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Lucky Dice

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Everything posted by Lucky Dice

  1. how mutch are u willing to pay ? maybe i can do it
  2. that -1 is fucking fake comment not even link to proof that i scam ...
  3. lol you are kid , you call me scammer for what reason ? ff haters gonna hate noob
  4. kai esu poios eisai o lelekas?
  5. lol dude you blocked me on skype for what reason? plus u will not find partner with files that got backdoored i know from where u took them
  6. kai kala lol?
  7. ti lel re gataki
  8. wrd h kwlara tou pauler to ithele to dekarma
  9. hey dude you know -1 ur ass want it long time ago dont share personal informations from me first of all and allright you spam at all my topics and you thing you are pro,when i was here at maxcheaters mr.noob you was at your mothers !@#!$%^
  10. lol , it was shared ? bitches please go away from here spammers working fine had 3k people last server
  11. maybe u change that but i dont care since i am not blind and i see that u had them previously
  12. ok fine lock it he say truth he had the files but he is so idiot and dont know to use them
  13. give me teamviewer i will proof that u lie again , i just join skype
  14. you stole it anyway i am not going to answer you again
  15. it's not program it's firewall i tell u that for 5 time today go sleep
  16. i answer you questions 10000 times already please stop that and realize what u did
  17. wtf are that bullshits are u say ? i not even going to read it
  18. when someone connecting it show her ip then u are available to copy paste and blacklist him + the problem here is that you "Stole it" not if it's working...try it and then post the results :)
  19. also dguard using that way too
  20. Another noob lesson to you , when the attacker try to boot your ip he attack on some port like 9014 when the "slaves" attacking u it's going first on the firewall that filtering your port so simple i cant see any firewall at your shitty picture
  21. anyway guys i am not an asshole i dont even care about if he get ban or not but i dont like that feeling i got that a lot of times so take that post and care about this guy is an idiot it's called filtering on ports go learn some shit
  22. you cant say that i am selling something that it doesnt work since you have no proofs for that you say it's called spam
  23. nothing more to say with u waiting a global to take care about this,we had a deal u really didnt keep it real i dont like people like you rest in hell now next time u will post reply without proofs i am gonna dekarma you go read the rules first and yea it's called scam he took the name of the firewall and search for it at least he found it but i dont care he can share it too
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