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Everything posted by bogdan33

  1. drop dead
  2. on/off ?!
  3. hope worth it waiting :you serious?:
  4. so ? what's the point ? play and stfu
  5. looking good, but few online... was wiped before or what ?
  6. l2 warrior pack ?!
  7. http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20130412T19&p0=195&msg=Luna+50x+Launch
  8. nerf duelist or gtfo, they hit too much w/o buffs ! dont wanna say full buffed..
  9. what pw dude, account password, or what ? :) ye i got more that 4, tryed more than 10 times.. and after 3 attempts client close..and nothing, it says i entered the wrond pw..but there isnt any account created, only one with id : admin and pw " space tast once "
  10. how to add? gimme one example :) :y u no?: If only you, open config\GMaccess.xml before starting the Gameserver and edit the string Quote <PlayerID set="0"/> replace 0 with the SAME number that you find in obj_id column related to you character (characters table in you database) EXAMPLE: in your db your character has an obj_Id like 268491202 write <PlayerID set="268491202 "/>
  11. how can i create account ? autocreateaccount not working, it says it's wrong pw and client end.. ;-?
  12. it's under construction newb :D upload photos to another host please, i wanna take a look ! :D
  13. Info About Us web@naxos NAXOS If you want to surf at the internet, chat with friends ,visit your facebook or even to play web and not only games you should visit Marios and Bill Internet Cafe at Chora next to Wafflas House Web Site: http://www.lineage2legacy.com/ what "features" are those? o_O
  14. i did, and no1 knew.. i though some1 might know here :)
  15. maybe some1 know, why i get this error? http://i48.tinypic.com/34611ub.jpg
  16. cfg files are in RU language.. can't u translate? SQL file not working.. can u share backup ?
  17. thx, i forgot they are inside sql :D i wanted template ID
  18. RO: esti mai prost decat prevede legea. toti suntet zmei intre 4 pereti si o tastatura. inchide serverul ala "unic" :LOL: let them think they are UNIQUE, like this kid sayd, ROFL !
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