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Everything posted by rtoservers

  1. Hi, where stay respawn merchant of mammon? 7 sign s fine, but i never thinged the mammon.
  2. Where add this code
  3. add new skill with atribute Cov ex: skilldata skill_begin skill_name=[s_npc_buffer_song_of_vitality] skill_id=10143 level=1 operate_type=A2 magic_level=66 effect={{p_max_hp;30;per}} is_magic=0 mp_consume2=1 cast_range=800 effective_range=600 skill_hit_time=1 skill_cool_time=0 skill_hit_cancel_time=0.5 reuse_delay=1 activate_rate=-1 lv_bonus_rate=0 basic_property=none abnormal_time=7200 abnormal_lv=1 abnormal_type=song_of_vitality attribute=attr_none effect_point=611 target_type=target affect_scope=single next_action=none debuff=0 ride_state={@ride_none} skill_end after in skil_pch and client system.
  4. Only a Geodata, i waited very time for some better
  5. Anyone demonstrate how to add auto pickup
  6. all works perfectly in this tutorial, but when you do restart the server all lose their char level, i was behind the problem and discovered that the sqls are incompatible to the server.
  7. @mcbigmac Alternative B @epiks Alternative D kkkkkkkkk @Sighed Alternative E very good, much i venot acess.
  8. wonderful Pack, and still ve the custom.
  9. This project and the most current at the time, with so many protections that make it fun
  10. @unknow erro sintaxe, search correct sintaxe im google, s ease. more day gonna ve that add CFF, so it s hard, gonna kinding, testing and learning.
  11. @Max64 using GF by Max64, with GF base advext64, How stay the server? It running ... or crash?
  12. where re u server ?
  13. @steve only prophets
  14. @kiefer King ctrl + c ctrl + v spam = inveja //all time if you just want a tidy min. Returning to post something interesting that, when I clicked the site was really off, but now he is on
  15. community English, Portuguese, Spanish, Russian, what kind of language rather play?
  16. i like servers with rates de 1 until 50x
  17. used pack l2breaks now s closed.
  18. prophets buffs only
  19. ok, first.. where re u from? I'll try to find a server of their language or country
  20. Thx, I'm running after interludes servers
  21. good server full item pvp, i m see today your server
  22. congratulation man, made a good read on your server.
  23. rtoservers


    Much faster now ;p 30 open windows
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