I thinks the best way is to go a lot of weapons to the safe and after you enchant one weapon to +1 ater another to +1 and you continue like this...
Thats the method that i use and i did lot of weapons like +25 In L2Antique
Go to http://lineage.pmfun.com/list/quest/path-of-a-noblesse-possessor-of-a-precious-soul-part-1
and when you finish you go to:
If you don't understand tell me :)
I vote Gracia 2 because it have better Graphics,an another Race(Kamael),more skills,More armors like Dynasty,more weapons like Dynasty weapons,more Villages(kanael) but Intelude is better for bugs:)
Asto o kalyteros tropos einai sigoura o kanonikos pigene me ena kanoniko partaki kai oxi tha rixis apla tin Queen ant tha exeis kai akoma mia axexasti empiria apo ena apo ta kaltera boss.
1:Lineage 2!!
2:Tomb Raider
3:Onimusha(1.2.3 Versions,i didn't like the fourth)
4:Pokemon(All versions)
5:Yu-gi-oh(Only Duelists of the rose,on Ps2)
7:World of Warcraft
8:Pro Evolution(From the sixth Vesrion and up)
9:Command and Coquer
10:Age of Mythology