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About cheewe

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  1. Hi, I think is not posible, someone downgrade server files to interlude but usting freya or h5 and can use freya client or hi5 but I think this is not stable.
  2. I hired l2jguard a few months ago and the truth is that it is very bad in everything, in the attention, in the operation and besides they do not pay attention to the clients, I have many problems with them and they do not even talk to me, I do not recommend this system at all , you will only have problems, of all kinds, of double box, protection and above all a bad after-sales service, never any company seemed so negligent in this and many other aspects. Every question I ask, takes weeks to answer and zero effectiveness.
  3. Thrusted !! for Nice Code! Fast implement! Fast Response in time! Very very cool mod! Good Dev
  4. cheewe

    interlude L2Aura

    Lineage 2 Aura Interlude www.l2aura.es Lanzamos la BETA del servidor, estara operativa hasta el dia 2 de marzo, puedes crear tu cuenta, y probar el servidor desde ahora mismo! FECHA OFICIAL DE APERTURA: 2 DE MARZO 2019 A LAS 20:00 HORA ESPAÑOLA RATES EXP 2x SP 2x Adena 2x Party EXP 1,5x Party SP 1,5x Drop 2x Spoil 2x Quest 2x Raids 1x Mascotas 2x Si Eater 1x ENCANTAMIENTOS Encantamiento seguro +3 Encatamiento máximo +16 FUNCIONES Quest de cambio de clase: Las quest hay que hacerlas todas, no se pueden comprar. Tiendas Offline: Puedes dejar tu personaje vendiendo en modo offline. Sistema Antibot: Captcha para prevencion de bots. Auction House en Community: Venta en Community de hasta 5 items por jugador. Evento: Champions Especiales: Todos los champions dropean un item valido para comerciar con el NPC de eventos. Evento Trivia: Cada dos horas lanzamos evento trivia, con el cual podras conseguir un item valido para comerciar con el NPC de eventos Nuevos eventos en produccion. NPC Aghata: Encargada de eventos en todas las ciudades importantes. FANTASY ISLAND (Para eventos acceso gratuito en todo momento) UNDER GROUND COLISEUM (Para eventos acceso gratuito en todo momento) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lineage 2 Aura Interlude www.l2aura.es We launched the BETA server, it will be operational until March 2, you can create your account, and test the server from now! OFFICIAL OPENING DATE: MARCH 2, 2019 AT 20:00 SPANISH HOUR RATES EXP 2x SP 2x Adena 2x Party EXP 1,5x Party SP 1,5x Drop 2x Spoil 2x Quest 2x Raids 1x Mascotas 2x Si Eater 1x ENCHANTS Safe Enchant +3 Max Enchant +16 Quest of change of class: The quest must be done all, can not be bought. Offline Stores: You can leave your character selling in offline mode. Antibot System: Captcha for prevention of bots. Auction House in Community: Community sale of up to 5 items per player. Event: Special Champions: All champions drop a valid item to trade with the NPC of events. Trivia Event: Every two hours we launch a trivia event, with which you can get a valid item to trade with the NPC of events New events in production. NPC Aghata: Event Manager in all major cities. FANTASY ISLAND (For events free access at all times) UNDER GROUND COLISEUM (For events, free access at all times)
  5. Hi and thx but how inser my server here return String.format("https://api.l2topzone.com/v1/vote?token=%s&ip=%s", getApiKey(), player.getIpAddress()); thx in advance!
  6. hi sweet! xd i need a proxy for argentina, my server is in spain, and players from argentina have lag do you know Sweet how can i get a proxy for my server? thxxxxx
  7. Perfect Thanks!! its works thank you!!!
  8. L2off Vanganth files.
  9. Hi, i have a server for dev, in local mode no public, and i cant connect with other pc to the server, login ok and no error, but the problem is selecting server, seems ok but i clic on intro server and nothings appears, and no cosole errors. any one can help me?
  10. mcaffy backdoor detect, dangerous files?
  11. Ahm, ok do you know if the error is in table or script? thx in advance Rootware
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