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Everything posted by bubulinas

  1. urat in plm cas numa arabi si turci pe aici.. si negri la greu :)) plm greu cu limba..si mnoah numa in constructii angajaza astea.. da am vb cu cineva.. sa ma angajeze la samsung.. poate am noroc..
  2. ma gandesc :)) plm eu imi caut prin paris de lucru..
  3. nu in franta :))) in paris..:)) plm.. caut de lucru xD
  4. sry.. on: The Black Hat Hackers - Criminals EDIT: freedom --> you are free from now :)))
  5. rename all.. like: - police / noob /new/old/activ/spammer/.....
  6. can you add a screan?? someone test it in interlude??
  7. is a nice one... off@ Finito change you faking signature... damn..you are saks..
  8. dude ... frist i dont know you... so i dont care what you make and what you dont make for this forum... and really i like this forum..and with what you help it?? i donate almost 150e for this forum.. just for nothing.. for free.. that means help.. not lock/delete/dekarma ... ore try to have a color name.. and sry for my english! i am not from USA ore England.. i am a faking ROmanian andI am proud...cya
  9. uninstal it and restart you pc.. and after reinstal aghain the java program!
  10. lol/// i like it... tatoo...:)))) nice ideea good joob and keep it up!
  11. qq so then is ok.. ! and for a begginer is ok!
  12. some mods clean it! all start to spam there.! http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=61494.msg1926055;topicseen#msg1926055
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