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Everything posted by bubulinas

  1. Here are the categories: 1: Most Popular User = Raule 2: Funnier User = .... 3: Active User = Raule 4: Spammer = Raule 5: Top Shares = 6: Most trolling= 7: Most Hated = GrisoM 8: Most loved = Sofaki 9: Most Missed = Cedry2k / bubulina / skanners 10: Most loved moderator = ExtreamDwarf
  2. neah... e chiar misto..:) privatelee... cu x mare :)
  3. de unde drq sa ai ma viteaza asta in nadlacu ala?... e imposibil...
  4. ... cry moar... and RAGEEEEE!:D
  5. Trace esti din constanta?.. si eu vin acuma pe 15 in constanta.. adica mai exact in Medgidia :)
  6. ahahah? is not true?..
  7. no i am not... now i am old.. ;)) so i leave kid's to be..:)
  8. la tulcea?:O... am neamuri acoloo..:)) adica acolo am stat si eu xD cand eram de ...de mult oricum :))
  9. i will w8 to test it! and thx anyway:)
  10. bubulinas


    How Timee passs...!! Date Registered: February 28, 2009, 03:34:59 pm Local Time: March 22, 2012, 08:11:31 am Like yrday i made this accont!... REmember??!!! SITE + member's?? ಠ_ಠ ENJOY OLD TIME's Cedry2k = skanners / bubulina !!!
  11. Wellcome Dreed! read the rules and have a nice stay in hell!
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