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Everything posted by bubulinas

  1. ore c3 ..old times... i remember YoMoo Server.. c3 .. there i start to play frist time l2..:>:> old time..
  2. Username: skanners Posts: 1.070 (1,186 per day) Custom Title: A bad workman always blames his tools..Personal Text: One picture is worth a thousand words.. Karma: 3 Gender: Male Age:23 Location:Nadlac Date Registered: February 28, 2009, 02:34:59 AMLocal Time:August 19, 2011, 06:00:43 AMLast Active: Today at 06:00:02 AM So skanners = bubulina :) #Anty Phx Anoncement # Anty Ench Phx # Anty Agument Stuck # Anty Chanting hack # Anty Multy Skill Bug # Rb ALL edited with special skill and special drop #all farming area Work #anty Trade hack #Anty GM coruption (if give + or item's on trade to some1 got auto BAN) Downloand Pack MegaUpload Downloand Data Base MeGaUpload Gm Shop Agumenter! http://img188.imageshack.us/img188/5049/shot00014w.jpg[/img] Special Shop http://img199.imageshack.us/img199/8168/shot00015nah.jpg[/img] Clan Skill Seler http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/5033/shot00016u.jpg[/img] Special Gateekeper http://img90.imageshack.us/img90/9808/shot00017n.jpg[/img] Buffer Ok Have Fun With It!!
  3. nu e la pamant..:).. apropo vezi ca incep sa fac guide si sharuri pt ks.. poate nu vine karma aia.. :)) te dau in judecata =))
  4. Fast, New, lp2hx enchant. What could be better?! 1. You will need 3 weapon you want to enchant and enough enchant scrolls 2. Go to your l2phx and look the sniffer, delete all, and active only the C button. 3. Next enchant each weapon to +1, you'll see there 3 process for one for each enchantment. So copy the 3 processes for each +1 weapon enchant. 4. After you copy all 9 addresses just send the packets repetitively for about 30 seconds, you will make at least one or two +20 weapons. Work For Interlude --->Freya Name='bubulina'; MaxEnchantLvl=10; ScrollId=731; ItemId=5643; BuyScrolls='A7 B1 02 00 00 E0 FD 1C 00 15 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00'; PacketScriptOn='38 67 00 6F 00 67 00 6F 00 67 00 6F 00 21 00 21 00 21 00 00 00 00 00 00 00'; var ScrollObj,ItemObj,NumOfItems,i:integer; Timer01:TTimer; EnchLvl,MinEnch:word; ScriptOn:boolean; procedure Init; begin Timer01:=TTimer.Create(nil); Timer01.OnTimer:=@OnTimer01; Timer01.enabled:=false; Timer01.interval:=601; ScriptOn:=false; end; procedure OnTimer01(Sender: TObject); begin buf:=''; WriteC(20); WriteD(ScrollObj); WriteD(0); SendToServerEx(name); delay(327); buf:=''; WriteC(88); WriteD(ItemObj); SendToServerEx(name); timer01.enabled:=false; end; procedure Free; begin Timer01.free; end; begin if FromClient and (pck=HStr(PacketScriptOn)) then begin if not ScriptOn then begin ScriptOn:=true; buf:=HStr(BuyScrolls); SendToServerEx(name); end else begin ScriptOn:=false; end; pck:=''; end; if FromServer and (pck[1]=HStr('1B')) and ScriptOn then begin ScrollObj:=0; ItemObj:=0; NumOfItems:=ReadH(4); MinEnch:=30; for i:=1 to NumOfItems do begin If ReadD(12+36*(i-1))=ScrollId then ScrollObj:=ReadD(8+36*(i-1)); If (ReadD(12+36*(i-1))=ItemId) and (ReadH(30+36*(i-1))<=MinEnch) then begin ItemObj:=ReadD(8+36*(i-1)); MinEnch:=ReadH(30+36*(i-1)); EnchLvl:=ReadH(30+36*(i-1)); end; end; if (ScrollObj>0) and (ItemObj>0) and (EnchLvl<MaxEnchantLvl) then timer01.enabled:=true else if not(EnchLvl=MaxEnchantLvl) then begin buf:=HStr(BuyScrolls); SendToServerEx(name); end; end; end. is like script l2fast agumetation!! have Fun!
  5. interlude is most stable..:) and clasic..;)
  6. Arias ignore they and do your best Job..!
  7. why he is here??.. i take ban cuz i use wrong karma powa... so make the rulles for all...
  8. you are wrong.. website is website and gameplay is a gameplay.. btw i play there and i like..;)
  9. o.O..eu am Bunici la SUceava//... da stau in Arad de cand m-am nascut.. Adica acuma stau in arad ca pana acuma stateam la Nadlac.. un alt oras mai mic uitat de lume.. cu Raule Vecin la vreo 2 coltzuri :))
  10. you finish it? np man.. have fun with it! np!
  11. o.O /./ de unde ziceai ca esti??:)) sa dai de baut del iei :))
  12. MAKE A GOOD CS 1.6 DEDICATED SERVER Many Guides on "HOW TO MAKE GOOD DEDICATED SERVER" are there. One is here : Here But, suppose, you want to make a server with funny sounds, new and big maps, mods (like WC3 or superhero), amx plugins etc etc. Now, the problem is "SLOW DOWNLOAD" of files from server to client!!! Due to slow download, no one joins your server . Plus, your server LAGS! The problem is, that all the files required to be downloaded, are stored in YOUR server. Hence, when people join, HLDS allows clients to download files, but at a very LOW speed . This causes lag too. This the main reason of Lag in Garena. Now, how to deal with this problem??? Counter strike comes with a console command "sv_downloadurl". This allows you, to host your files on some other server. Thus, clients can download files required from other server at their full download speed, hence NO LAG and SPEEDY DOWNLOADS!!! But there is one problem. You need to PAY, to store files on a server, that offers public link!!! Are there any free hosts??? The answer is yes... but it is a little bit tricky Ok So Lets See!! First of all... this guide assumes that you have already added your files (like maps, sounds, models, etc) to cstrike folder {i.e. where you have installed cs} and can run a server with your own modifications. Follow these steps to Host your files in Dropbox server. 1) Download Dropbox and install it from www.dropbox.com. 2) After installation, open your dropbox, go into Public folder, and create a folder of your choice. For example, I create acyutMod folder in public folder. The path is like this... 3) Create these folders inside acyutMod folder 4) Copy your new maps, sounds, models, resources etc in respective folders inside acyutMod folder. This process uploads your maps, resources etc to dropbox site. You need not to copy all maps, sounds, models from your cstrike folder to acyutMod folder! Only copy those files which are required by the clients to download. For example, If I want to run aa_dima1.bsp map on my server, paste it in "My Dropbox/Public/acyutMod/maps/"No need to copy other maps. . 5) Now, start Counter-strike HLDS (no need to start from garena), and create server. Now, close your server.Go to "cstrike/cache/" and copy the "downloadcache.db" file from there, and copy it in "My dropbox/Public/acyutMod/cache/" If you don't find Cache folder, then just skip this step. 6) Now go to "My dropbox/Public/acyutMod/cache/" and right-click on file "downloadcache.db" go into dropbox->copy public link. You can also get your public link from any file in your public folder. Just right-click on any file (not folder) inside your public folder and select Dropbox>>>Copy Public Link . Open notepad and paste the link there. The link should be like this. - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/133773/acyutMod/ 7) Its almost done now! Go to "cstrike" folder {where you have installed cs} and look for file "server.cfg". Open it with wordpad and add lines Save the server.cfg file. Its all done now!Have fun with your BIG addons! TESTED AND 100 % working.
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