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Everything posted by bubulinas

  1. ma eu am facut 52 imd fac 53 ..e destul de fainutz pe sv3 ..si vad ca e si stable :D
  2. i dont care who from where are... we are human all so .. if u are african ore romanian ore Afganistan.. u are Human also.. so i dont care ..but he say nobody will get ban from here.. and i say just w8 Raule to come he for sure will ban some1 :))
  3. terminate .. amre tau..XD ce drq ori esti roman ori esti hungur ca si Raule xD
  4. i am not so sure.. just w8 Raule to COme.. ore WsT :))
  5. glumesti nu?? BENGOSI?? :))) buna asta xD
  6. New Section: -Silkroad -9Dragons -Metin -And More Online Game... not for us for New Members! if they will search on google something about this "Gammes" he will find something in MXC and he will come here.. and with time.. we will have a new and Great Comunity!
  7. nu chiar.. am asteptat cam 2 saptamani sa se gandeasca cineva sami faca un avatar si o signatura si iaca ca acuma am :D
  8. am vazut ca ai fost aici http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=214366.0 asteapta pana cineva o sati rezolve problema :)
  9. lol man u start to week up this forum.. this is za best share from 1year ago to now :) and gz for karma u deserver it!
  10. si dupa ce lai zis tu toti sau luat ca niste maimutze dupa tine :)))
  11. pai da fa.. mam mutat din saracia aia de nadlac..:))
  12. i like it... but can u make signature 400 with 130 ??
  13. Features No customs items C4/C5/Interlude features/skills working 100% Really i dont beleave it..but i will give a try for sure ...
  14. go and die nuuub... Romanian Clan (interlude, mid-rate)
  15. cum ti-am scris si il silkroad posteaaz ceva bun si sa mearga si eu iti dau +1
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