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Everything posted by bubulinas

  1. he have right.. in this days alot off pll are baned... what do you wanna from this forum?? to die??... comon guys is not fair..
  2. {Levels 0-18} Elven Fortress Started out in elven village with top NG, headed to EF, you can pretty much level really well here with a bow and dagger, you should start your {bot around level 11 and he will just farm in there till you around level 20, moving him deeper as you progress. {Levels 20-23} Gludio Underneath gludin, kill the lizardmen and bears. works very well with bots, many already there, can also go on the south shore where you’ll find many more. {Levels 23-28} Dion Kill the hobgoblins, champions, shamans, eyes (good xp), or maybe even the bee’s around floran. Champions are aggro {Levels 23-28} Gludin-Abandoned Camp Big area, lot of varied mobs, maybe harder for the bot because the mobs are so close and a few are aggro such as stragglers. Great for bot duo. {Levels 28-32} Gludin-Orc Barracks Double hp/xp mobs, nice xp, great again in a bot duo, maybe harder alone, but you should be ok in top D. You can level and bot here for adena up to level 40. {Levels 28-36} Dion-Execution Grounds If your coming here at 28 start with the Mandragoras, at around 30 go for the Crawlers and then at around 34 go for the Strains and Amber basilisks. I avoided the trees as they are more trouble than they are worth, there is a perfect botting place in between the crawlers and ghouls in the lower level; great for A solo bot. {Levels 28-32} Dion-Floran The bee’s drop enchant armors nicely, and the bugbears are nice, even the dire wolves for charcoal if a dwarf are nice, these will get you to 32 in a nice delay but are good for solo. When I came it was not too populated either. {Levels 32-36} Dion-Execution Grounds EG is still good, bit busy though, but can take you upto 36 effectively and after that just becomes a money making area. Hunt Amber Basilisks, Strains and Dead Seekers. You could actually stay here until 40 and gain levels, but at that time it becomes quite repetitive. {Levels 36-40} Heine-ish Now this is the ultimate secret area. I leveled here fine: Just left of the field of silence caption is a nice pond, around this area i set my bot to only hit Dread Wolves, as they are aggro. and initiative. Thus, I levelled from 36-40 in around 2 days. {Level 40-44} Grasslands Level at the grasslands, east of hunters village and south of oren, on lizardmen there. {Level 44-48} Sea of spores Level at Sea of Spores until about level 50. This is a good place as you have the possibilty of getting a mithril dagger drop, i got one level from 44-48 on my last character. {Level 48-52} Forest of mirrors Goto Forest of Mirrors and fight the forrest of mirrors ghosts. {Level 52-55} Tower of Insolence Try going north of TI and hitting up the bassilisks and Bugbears low people population there move more north as you level {Level 55-60} Aden Cemetery Cemetery works nice and so is the money {Level 60-65} Forsaken Plains-DC Go to the Forsaken Plains or just south of Devistated Castle
  3. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=107848.0 OLD-->Link Dont work anymore
  4. Frist is not nice is faking shit ideea... lineage is a old story game with bow/sword not with TANKS/AVP and shits.. Second Link Dont work/ ant that share is from 2009 request Close that topic to avoid spammers!!
  5. frist is a warez and second is in wrong section (OffTopic Section) But warez are not wellcomed here..!
  6. good luck with it! trusted pll.. and a nice pack i wish to have it.. but no money in feture if i will get i will buy it for sure..!
  7. server opened?.. i like the rate 666x :)) nice one..
  8. 1. Project developers, staff members: - Vhalior - Developer So he are from Staff Matim onlly post it and also he are from staff and we stay on topic i say to him better use it dont worth to sell it.. That is my opinion
  9. that mean i will w8 and i will join for sure in your server you guys are za best developers in this days...So respect.. and about you rule..dont be so sure..no one care about you rule..really after u sell it.. he wil not care anymore about your work.. allot of kids have money---fromm MOMYYY .. (sry for my english i am a bit drunk right now..)
  10. why you dont open a good server with that pack and make some a decent donation and u wil get alot of money with you work dont be(,,,,,)and sel it.. your work will go die in aproximatly 1week after u seeled it will be shared here ..and alot of nubs developers u will facke it..
  11. that is old.. i remember in l2infinity skills c4 was with hero auro when kill 5 pll and when u die the aura disapered.. but cobra is a old guy here and for sure. that was ahared here..and u make some changes..what changes..?
  12. Downloand from there is 1 zip with alot of clan/ally crest :)
  13. Class & Skill Changes Class Changes Maximum CP has increased for the following classes: Class Increase Sorcerer 20% Spellsinger Spellhowler Bishop 29% Elven Elder 80% Shillien Elder Overlord 13% Skill Changes New skills: Knight Class: Combat Aura and Patience Maestro: Create Item - Level 10 (Acquired from item: Forgotten Scroll - Create Item Level 10) Changes to skills: Aggression: Skill power has been increased by approximately 35%. Magic Resistance: Magic Defense power has been increased by approximately 20%. The Blessing of Eva and the Touch of Life skills can no longer be used on monsters. Fortress Siege Changes Fortress Siege NPCs are now level 76. About twice as many Knight's Epaulette now drop than before. Fortress Gates now have roughly three times their previous HP. Castle/Fortress Instance Zone Changes All of the NPCs in these zones now drop S-grade materials instead of A-grade: Fortress Instance Zone Castle Instance Zone Castle Prison Fortress Monster Dungeon The boss monsters in each of these Instance Zones now have a chance of dropping Knight's Epaulette. Olympiad The number of Olympiad Stadiums around Aden has increased from 22 to 88. Other Changes to Items New Life Stones have been added for use by characters that are level 85. Regular/Mid-Grade/High-Grade/Top-Grade Life Stone Accessory-type Life Stone The weight of Spirit Ore has been reduced to 0. Inventory and quest inventory has changed so that a character's maximum item capacity for each inventory is separate. Now, characters can carry 100 quest Items without affecting or being affected by their regular inventory's item capacity. During the augmentation process, the amount of required gemstones is displayed in the Augment window. When using multiple magic accessories with the same territory name, only one of these items' attribute bonuses will apply. They cannot be stacked. D-grade and C-grade Soulshots and Blessed Spiritshots can now be purchased from NPCs in certain towns. All of these shots are sold individually and not in bundles, unlike no-grade shot sales. Pet, Servitor, and Cubic Changes Servitor Changes The experience cost for most of the servitors associated with Warlocks, Elemental Summoners, Phantom Summoners, and Necromancers has been removed. Mew the Cat, Mirage the Unicorn, Silhouette and Corrupted Man servitors maintain their current experience consumption (90%). Servitors now require Spirit Ore (rather than Crystals) in order to be summoned and maintained. The cost for summon and maintenance themhas been decreased. Any and all buffs applied to a summoner character are automatically applied to the Pet Changes Maguen & Elite Maguen: Maguens and Elite Maguen pets can be acquired in the new hunting area, Seed of Annihilation. Maguen pets have a special ability that can move the owner to the Seed of Annihilation. While a normal Maguen can only teleport its master, an Elite Maguen can move its master and the entire party its master is in to the Seed of Annihilation. The order in which wolf food is automatically consumed by a Great Wolf has been changed to the following: Great Wolf Food, then Enriched Pet Food for Wolves, then Food for Wolves. The best food is always consumed first. Crystal Spice and Golden Spice no longer have any effect on a baby beast. Any and all buffs applied to a summoner character are automatically applied to the servitor pet also. Cubic Changes Cubics now require Spirit Ore rather than Crystals in order to summon. The cost of summon cubics has been decreased. Cubic healing powers have increased by 16%.
  14. lool u are wrong guys..he dont start from l2.exe he start from l2.updeting... 1 go to your folder lineage 2 client 2 search for system 3 Opne l2. Exe photo:
  15. i see topic are removed.. And Signature was with 1 Big Shit... Wtf not alowed that gen of photo on signature..
  16. Kill --> Romanian President Basescu Rev--> Nicolae Ceausescu
  17. WTF TOPIC?? What going with this forum in this days??.. name : Waka Waka Eh Topic: Here And Post: TheOneAndOnly
  18. And Here have alot of them! Downloan Crest Clan +Ally Crest Have a nice Day!
  19. no almost need it.. cuz if u see 1 guy in farming area and u wanna pk him u can check on web what items have and u will thing two time before atack him..so is great ideaa and he deserver karma..that is the true :)
  20. spam pe masa...:)) ca imd ma duc la lucru..
  21. now i downloand the pach.. same to have a nice features..:) EDIT: Hm.. not nice.. Paladin are Ower Power Me archer +0 all +1 Owerlord with Am+12 VS 1paladin +o all = Paladin win... Wtf i hit 30 dmg and 100 crit?? an he hit with+0 600 dmg 1400 crit.. So server FAIL.. that my opinion!
  22. you dont get the point he wanna some1 for helping him.. he is a human..is not a machine..so he cant work alone..he need some1 to help him..
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