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Everything posted by bubulinas

  1. thx man.. so can u say what part missing..?? i will make a updeting..just tell me :)
  2. really is SUX>>. i dont like it.. grafphic is like Quake Arena.. and Characters really is uglly....but for who like it..is ok!
  3. not in all server.. but if u use what Raule say in fris page of this topic..may be you will have luck... and try dont spam.. cuz in this days..BanHammer are Here...xD
  4. he are right... second will work lower then frist one..
  5. news about that server?? when will be on aghain??.... and what chronicle will be??.i dont understand greek but i remember was a nice server..
  6. lol that aswome.. and u can see who are donator..ore what gm gived items..to his char..cuz in 1 day of game u can see what armor have it and what jew...and + ?lol that is nice ideea.. EDIT: like in silkroad http://www.rev6.com/player/RedSea/zirona.html (that is my char..) but when u going in site u can see all characters..
  7. c4 and interlude for me... also i played c5 frist GvE(frist one) old times...
  8. i will w8..just post it when you will finish it... thx man :D
  9. tot timpul am fost de partea ta xD respect Normal User :D
  10. i know is fail... i dont have i just post for who wanna make 1 home station.. with his friends..:)
  11. If you’ve ever wondered how internet radio stations work and/or wanted to create your own, this tutorial will show you how. It is actually very easy, and you can set up your own radio station and begin broadcasting songs in about 10 minutes. First of all, let me give you a quick rundown on how it works. You have your music player (I will use Winamp, get it if you don’t have it)and you play your music as you normally would. You probably need a fast internet connection so you can broadcast without buffering occuring. Through a plugin (which you will download and install), Winamp will send the music you play to the broadcasting server (which can be on your PC or on another one with a larger connection), and the server sends the music to the listeners, reencoding it to a better format, if you are so inclined. Note that the amount of listeners you will be able to support is limited by your outgoing bandwidth and the bitrate of the song you are streaming, so if you’re streaming at 128 kbps and you have 256 kbps upload bandwidth, you’ll obviously be able to support 256/128 = 2 listeners. The programs I use are Winamp for playingoddcast DSP for broadcasting to the server and Icecast for serving. You can use Winamp’s own Shoutcast plugin and server, but I prefer to broadcast in Vorbis because it’s smaller and has much better quality than MP3. Download Icecast : Source SRPM Windows Setup ore u cand Downloand from here: Downloand ALL(you presumably want the Windows version) and install it. Run it and click “Edit configuration” in the “Configuration” menu. A notepad window will pop up with various configuration options. My configuration is this: You can copy it and paste it in the open notepad window (the one with the configuration), but make sure you change “hackme” to more secure passwords. Once you have done this, save the file and close the window. Click the “Start server” button and the listboxes below should be populated with various information, like this: Your server is now ready for people to connect to it, but there’s no music playing, so let’s tend to that. Download oddcast for Winamp fromThis Pages and install it. Now, run Winamp, go to the “DSP/Effect” section of the preferences and click on “oddcast DSP v3”. You should see the oddcast window pop up, looking something like this: Click on “Add encoder” and a new encoder will be added in the box below. Right-click on it and select “configure”. A dialog will pop up, asking for various information. For “Encoder type” select “OggVorbis” (or MP3, if you are so inclined), this will make you stream in Vorbis. Some people might not be able to have the available codecs if they’re running a very old version of their player (all newer players worth their salt support Vorbis). For “Quality” I have entered -2, it is the lowest quality, giving you about 30 kbps bitrate and very acceptable quality. You can experiment with 0 or 2, going over 6 is overkill in my opinion (since 6 is what I use to archive music from my CDs), and you will be able to support more listeners if you have lower bitrate for the song. For “Server IP” enter the IP of the server you’re running Icecast on (it’s “localhost” if you’re running it on your own PC). “Server port” is whatever you entered in the configuration, 8000 if you used mine, and “Encoder password” is hopefully something other than “hackme”. I also use mono, because my connection only has 128 available upstream bandwidth and it doesn’t sound too bad. It should now look like this: Click OK here and then click “Connect”. If you did everything right, the encoder should now connect to Icecast and begin streaming, like so: If you want to do a voiceover (speak in your radio) just click the Live Recording button and it will broadcast anything that you say in the microphone (or whatever you enter as the input device). Click on it again to return to your normal music (I haven’t actually tested this, if there are any problems just comment here). The “Source Level Stats” section of Icecast should also change to include your stream, and will look something like this: Try connecting with another player (not the one playing the songs) to http://localhost:8000/stream.ogg (e.g. for Winamp click Open URL). If that connects and plays, everything is set up correctly. You can now tell people to connect with Winamp or whatever player they use (and NOT WITH AN INTERNET BROWSER) to http://[yourip]:8000/stream.ogg (if you don’t know your IP, visit My IP, or see the “Client address” in the “Details” tab of your Local Area Connection if you want to stream on a LAN) with their players, and that’s all there was to it. Have a nice Radio... Ore with ShoutCast u can See That Movie Good Luck with RADIO!
  12. the vote are new.. some time ago he got more..i dont know what is wrong.. but if u wanna play in 1 server without custom why u make post here u wil test it?? i dont get the point..in frist page of that topic say CUSTOM SERVER WITH CUSTOM ITEMS>.!
  13. what missing?? just tell me for updeting it! :)
  14. supernatural....that is a great series i loved it :)
  15. u are wrong.. server is opened manny time ago..and have alot of pll registred..with disconect i dont know it.. but really is the frist sv custom balanced..but u need time for armor..and almost have it..u can take it onlly with vote reward...
  16. l2mafia is old..we need 1 new...fresh..something like l2 mafia..:)
  17. wellcome and read the .. rules xD
  18. i come some days ago and i got there blue armor..whe i try go to farm..onlly pk i get with 6k dmg 7k dmg 12k crit..neaah...when u will wipe i will come for sure but not now.. Join Guys nice server..
  19. yes omg now i see alot off good guys who know to work in pS are baned..so i will w8 alot of time and for sure nothing..:(
  20. wipe it and i will come back :D
  21. plm ma...acum raule se face ca nu vede...xD
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