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Everything posted by bubulinas

  1. For Ps3 :) Fortune hunter Nathan Drake is catapulted headlong into an adventure that takes him on a daring trek into the heart of the Arabian Desert in a search for the fabled "Atlantis of the Sands." This journey pits him and his mentor Victor Sullivan against the occult treachery of a shadowy clandestine organization and its ruthless leader. When the terrible secrets of this lost city are unearthed, Drake's quest descends into a desperate bid for survival that strains the limits of his endurance and forces him to confront his deepest fears. Release Date: November 1, 2011
  2. that is good when u need some reward for pvp/// but still dont work in almost all server is fixet :)
  3. saks.. i dont like it... start to be a fake..:-s
  4. ma am reinstalat windousu.. imd trag si skype..:) si intru :)
  5. i try to search this movie.. and i find something about it ..and when i downloand it my pc going to die.. and now i reinstal my windous..:)))
  6. [/center] Romanics Spam Team memberlist Raule Chr.Trance Sido PwNNNz0r.^ twinkie Ioane Nervos DominiQue SoRa Rules Υοu are only allowed to speak in Romanian. If you can't do that, do not post. Non Romanian Posts will have their posters warned at first and then smitted. Flaming or Insulting (in any way) in here is will not be tolerated. If you flame, get ready to get smitten or banned. These rules have been written by Coyote. Changing or Removing them will lead to the lock of the topic. Spamming with nonsense words like "dsadsadasad", "spam", "1456", "spam amre" or so is not allowed. Such posts will be removed.* Any rule in the topic can change without notice so make sure you check it daily, before posting. * If we notice that it happens continuously, the user will get warned at first and then punished. Feel free to Spam in Romanian (ONLY), as long as you follow these simple rules. Thanks, MaxCheaters Staff. Eu nus Pe acolo ..:) deci nu ma primiti aici :-s
  7. pai am scris demult... de ce nu prea mai intru pe aici..)
  8. now i downloand pach i join for sure..:) to test it :P if i will like i will play on it :P
  9. omg i search for c4 server.. if some1 will open i will join for sure.. old time in c4 servers...:) a mid one 50x-75x max :)
  10. lol fake and... :)) .tk free.. comon... u dont have 3euro for domain.. :)
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