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Everything posted by bubulinas

  1. do you know what you say??? :)))) omfg.. so what he are friend with maxtor?? without us this forum going to die.. you dont see what happening here in this days...? .. go out from this topic and shut the ff.. up! NOW!
  2. if he are not why he do a new acc??...
  3. lols he have 2montsh here and he is in staff.. =)))))
  4. Who is This Guy??? Ring --> Gold Member!! Posts: 264 (18,857 per day)Karma: 1Age:N/A Date Registered: July 31, 2011, 06:59:20 AMLocal Time:August 15, 2011, 12:41:45 AMLast Active: Yesterday at 10:11:52 PM
  5. poate pare cam gay.. dar eu in jok..adica in l2 folosesc dwarf female.. deci nikname e de acolo.. nu pot Pune "Ursu" la dwarf female... si asea a ramas nikul mew.. si daca pun poza cu un barbat la nik de bubulina.. iara nu se potriveste.. deci.. concluzia e?
  6. gata ceva ma facut sa revin inapoi :)) sa curga spamu :D
  7. foarte tare..sau dus vremurile alea faine..
  8. np man..:))) is just a preview...not a share..
  9. se vede asea ..ca e de la jpg... :) si nu e buna calitatea dar..in joc se vede foarte bine :) si sincer prefer "pokemonu" asta decat kktul de l2 :)
  10. hehe noua mea arma in silkroad :X:X:X:X
  11. hhahahahah... Chucky yea is true give to him what he need but he need Hole MaxCheaters Forum
  12. First we made a new document with size 350x19. Grab the Gradient tool and click on the top of your document and drag the mouse to the end of it. We have this Now is time to build our pattern. Create a new document : 6x6 with transparent background. We made something like this with pencil tool.(with 1px diameter selected) Go to Edit=>Deffine patern and save it as a pattern. Grab the Pattern stamp tool and choose our new pattern. Open your picture and hit CTRL + A then CTRL + C. I use this Go to our userbar and hit CTRL + V. We copy and paste our picture to the userbar. Now move it with the arrow keys. Add some Blending options. I use Outer glow. Add text. Visitor BRK font, size 10, anti-aliasing - none. Add stroke. Create a new layer. With Elliptical marquee tool made something like this. Move it to the top with the arrow keys. Fill it in white. Go to Edit=>Fill Create a new layer. Hit CTRL+A and go to Edit=>Stroke Here is mine Credits: Dita And you will have Alot of banners
  13. ok cuz today i make 1 mistake..just i report 1 bot but he was baned..xD
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