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Everything posted by MrBillopS

  1. Best : Focus ( Passive ) Accuracy ( Passive ) Duel Might ( Passive ) Evasion ( Passive ) Worst : Ignites A Firecracker Teleports you to the closest village , bla bla bla..... Ressurects A Corpse
  2. Soultaker of course. If you use the banes (debuffs) none will stand in your way :P
  3. Crystal dagger is my favorite... But i use angel slayer because it is better.
  4. Hunter's Village & Aden's Castle Highest Peak
  5. NooBaKoS PrincesS NooBitSa ExoduS / Ex0duS DarkJade ( Female Dark Elf ) MrAndersoN FataoulaS ( Dwarf ) Can't remember others right now
  6. Για μενα ο καλυτερος ειναι ο L2 Incompetence ( http://www.l2inc.eu/ ) Φοβερος server αν και εχει λιγο donate , ομως δεν ειναι προβλημα...
  7. First option for me. I am bored to enchant multiple weapons one by one :-[
  8. Cool Images ;D Chuck was hillarious :D
  9. I started playing Lineage II one summer.A friend of mine told me to go with him in an internet cafe to show me a game.... I realized it was a good game and I started playing too. The first server i played was e-global (C3) but after a month it was updated to C4. >:( ( Wipe ) Then i stopped e-global because i realized as many of you that high / mid rate servers existed.... ;)
  10. Doom 3 was a bit scary for me ;D
  11. You are american cheese! Mother Melting You are a smooth, lightly colored, square-shaped cheese. You are a classic simple cheese. You are cautious and practical and very down to earth. American Cheese is smooth, with light, yellow or orange color. The cheese is usually cut into square slices and it does not separate when melted. It has a mild taste. [ Country: United States || Texture: semi-soft ] P.S. Katalava , oloi amerikh theloume na pame....
  12. Pisteuw o tyrant einai kalyteros apo ton gladi. Vevea oso l2 exw peksei ante na exw ftiaksei 5 fores tyrant , dn mou aresoune katholou. Opote gladi tha eftiaxna kai as min einai kai o kalyteros.
  13. Ennoeite Sph. ;) Pote den mou arese o sorceror kai dn itan kai kalos pote
  14. Please ReUpload because the links aren't working at all :-\
  15. I hate when ppl begging for adena , especially in high rate servers....
  16. I prefer high rate servers. The main reason is that you dont have to spend all your time leveling or collecting adena to buy gear. Furthermore high rate servers its all about PvP which is great. I would only play official if i was to play low rate.
  17. Nice one. Very Usefull Topic , Keep It Updated.
  18. Alloz Guys. The Site Seems nice and very helpfull also.
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