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Everything posted by Terrna

  1. I like this game, its awsome! Definitely on ONLINE with friends! If you use some kinda of communication program like Ventrilo, Teamspeak its even BETTER! Of course play with friends ! Or it would not be so much fun as it could be! I highly recommend this to people who wants to kill zombies and have fun with friends ! The graphic isnt the best but who needs that if we can have fun without it?
  2. I played this game and my opinion is this is a amazing game compare to the first Crysis. Crysis : Warhead had more action in it in my opinion, not too much running in the forrest and such. I also LOVED the weapon you get for killing the LAST boss, there were only 2 bosses in this game I think, what a shame should have been more. But YE in my opinion this games is amazing, good graphic too, but not so focused on that. I would recommend people who like good graphic and some freedom to walk where they want in-game to try this out!
  3. I agree with you! It is OK game, not the best! I liked Cod 2 MUCH more than Cod 5 for some reason. But COD 5 isnt bad either, all call of duty games are good! I just didnt like Cod 3 too much.
  4. True, but I dont really think there is so much different between Xbox 360 version and PC version. Everyone got their own different opinion, some people like to play on their 50" TV with their console and some like it on a PC, just saying. But anyway, good game ! Is a MUST if you like these kind of horror games.
  5. Hmm, never played it and dont even want to try it. It looks horrible and boring in my opinion. I dont like the enemy's its animal ? And the history behinde it doesnt seem any interesting for me. SO I will not try it if I dont have to. For those others who likes it try IT =) Everyones different!
  6. Hello! I've played Dead Space on Xbox 360, not PC but is simillar just with keyboard and mouse. The game is good! It has good graphich, and the animations is good. Havent seen glitches while I played. I like the acting on the game, it is not something they have not focused on, the script is good to. I recommend you try this game, its pretty awsome I liked this better than Doom 3.
  7. Nice looking picture you got there! Thanks so much for sharing to us =)
  8. My favorite FPS game must be CS or Cod 4, can't decide! I have had good memories with CS, so much fun! But CoD 4 not so much but it is pretty good game. So my favorite FPS game must be Cod 4 AND counter-strike 1,6 ( NOT source, screw that )
  9. I dont think piracy is killing the music, there is always many people buying CD's from their store, FANS will buy even if its expensive. But ye, they could have much more money if there wasnt able to download music, but it looks like its going well as far as I have seen.
  10. Nice Guide man! I would like to see if there have any tread named "increase upload speed" =P That is because I'm in a private torrent tracker so uploading is important, if not I would be banned =( Once again Thanks for guide, usefull to know =)
  11. Wow, this is hard. Both games are good! So, my choice must be good, and I'll vote for Cod 4 for people who play for fun, that is because Cod4 have better graphic, there are more fun modes in Cod 4, Cod 4 is newer, Cod 4 got good gameplay and many more reason! But Counter-strike for hard-core gamers, people who plays in clans, that is because so their clan can meet up at LAN and try to win prize. I haven't seen Cod 4 competiton yet on Lan's, but I'm sure there is but not much as CS. But my vote still goes to Call of duty 4 cause I've quited gaming. And Cod 4 is fun whenever u play it.
  12. If I were you I would buy a Desktop PC first then I would buy a console. PC is always better than console, but may cost a little more cause it can do much more stuff than just playing games. So I would go for a good desktop PC first if u have not.
  13. Good side for the people who wants to start uploading/sharing stuff with the community =D But this site is good 2; http://www.filesend.net/ !!
  14. Nice information site for people like me (new guys). I might just donate to support this site! And of course get som advantage myself for exploit and other usefull stuff XP
  15. I liked this game, too bad that I dont own a PS3, I own a XBOX 360 so I can't play MGS 4. I really liked the game but, it was a little bit hard to sneak up on people, I am used to shoot like RAMBO xP. I was a FPS-gamer so thats the reason, why I sucked to sneak up on enemys.
  16. The best football game I've played must be PES 09 ! Pro evolution soccer! I've only played PES 08 and PES 09 and I liked PES 09 better! There is one thing I dont like about PES, it is they dont have the right to use the "real-life license" from football, that is because EA, Electronic-Arts have bought them up, so that is why most of the people buy FIFA instead of PES, but PES is definitely the better game than FIFA, in my opinion.
  17. My first game I played must be Mario or Tetris, kinda long time ago to remember that! But Mario is definitely one of the best gameboy games I've played ! :D Ye I played the first Mario game on a huge Gameboy, I think it was the first version of Gameboy, not sure! But it was fun so who cares! =D
  18. My favourite game to now is definitely Lineage 2 or Cod 4, it is kinda hard to decide! I like both gameplay! Lineage 2 is a MMORPG game, very nice graphics and in my opinion better PVP system than "World of Warcraft". Call of duty 4 ( COd 4 ) is a FPS game, first person shooter game, which mean you go around and shoot people! xP Both are them are GREAT! Highly recommend if you haven't tried it!
  19. If I were you looking to have fun with friends I would choose "Left 4 Dead". But If you are a searious FPS gamer, I would choose "Call of duty 4". Both of the games are GOOD! Good luck choosing =) TIPS; If you dont want to waste too much money dont buy it from store, buy directly from STEAM! Its much cheaper, or it is much cheaper from STEAM than stores in Norway in my opinon. Once again good luck choosing
  20. Damn I love Dragon Ball! I always wanted a game of Dragon Ball should be on PC and ONLINE! This game is MMORPG ! Even more fun to pwn our friends ^^ Looking forward to try this! Bad that I dont understand japanese symbols though =(
  21. Damn, this is hard! I've seen so many movies! Thats why this make it so hard. But if I must mention the best one I liked so far it must be the movie "Transformers", I dont know why but I just LOVE IT! It is so amazing! I love the acters in the movie, especially Megan FOX <3 Hottie. Looking so much to see Transformers 2! Hope Transformers 2 will be even better!
  22. The best internet browser is of course Mozilla Firefox! It is also most used I think. Mozilla Firefox ALL the way to the TOP!! ^^
  23. Terrna

    ANIME !!

    I dont watch anime that much so I dont know any good! But gugging what I have seen the best anime-series at the moment for me is BLEACH ! IT is really good in my opinon! Love the charachter Zaraki Kenpachi, if you seen the anime.
  24. Nice guide ! I dont need it actully but good to know how to make firefox faster! Since I got 10mb/s line both ways it is fast anyway! :D Once again thank you!
  25. I played it! But It wasnt so good as I expected! Disappointing actully, when I first tried it, IT was AWSOME! But after 1-2 hours of the same thing to do, it sucked hard! But the freedom in the game is good! But kinda lame when you run fast and the guard will chase you, thats kinda lame, ISNT it allowed to run now? But the game is worth to try if u still haven't!
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