Never tried this game, but it look alright.
But I think Company of Heroes are better, but cant judge if I havent tried this game. Maybe I should give it a try one day =D
The trailer so far I've seen it looks pretty awsome !
Too bad I dont got PS3, so no point for me buying this when it release =/
But im 100% sure im going to try it at my friend =D Looking forward to this shieet <3
Of course u install windows 95 !!!! the best windows ever!!
JK xD If i were you I would install windows XP SP3 or SP2 its same, but I like XP much more than Vista, you could also try Windows 7 when it comes out :D
I hate horror games. I hate them for some reason, to scared(pussy :P) to play them.
I tried resident evil and fear and I think fear was the scariest so far, didnt come far on Resident evil though =(
Never ever tried this but I tried 1 and it was baaad!
My friend said 1 was baaad but when he bought 2 he think thats better. I hope its better, looks better too on Fable 2 it was like u could make him BAD or NICE, i think it was like first one too.
But what I've seen at my friends I think its an ok game.
Thanks for sharing =)
I will try it on my mage, if it doesnt work there I will use it on my adventure ;D Even though I didnt understand the guide 100% I will try.
Once again Thanks!
Ye, I totally agree with you. This is only L2 modding/patch or something like that, it adds some files into the system folder and then you can do the command but the others can't see you glow cause it is not on the server, is on your own client.
But still thanks for sharing=) Would be nice for some screenshots.
My opinion the best olympiad char must be either, bishop, prophet or overlord.
Bishop = heal, mana burn, sleep, root
Prophet = buffs
OVerlord = debuff, suck HP of the others (dunno the skill)
Damn! I loved Lineage 2 but Lineage 3? I hope this will be BETTER! When I heard my friend said Lineage 2 will stop updating I thought he was kidding but then I checkd it out and it was true, that moment I got shocked, stop Lineage 2 I thinked. But now? Lineage 3 is coming! No worrys! I hope this game would be as great as Lineage 2 or better! I love the games NCsoft have made, they are pretty good game designers!
Lineage all the way to the TOP!
I downloaded this game as fast as I could when it was released on internet(evil me). I tried it as fast as I have download it and installed it of course. And I found out that I loved this game! I had already tried this on XBOX 360 before I tried on PC version, both are NICE. This game is so different from other games that is popular like mmorpg, FPS games. This gamestyle is very fun, running around from cops(blue) and such. I would highly recommend this to everyone who wants to try something new or want a new game to try!
My rating for this game is 9 of 10 (9/10)!!
I tried this game! At the first I loved this game, it was fun eating other animals ( crazy me =P ), but then when I came to the galaxy level I quited, I didn't feel the same game experience when I first started with the game. But that doesn't make this game bad. I would really higly recommend this game to people with creative brain and like to make things up.