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Everything posted by victorbruno

  1. Yeah, in my case they are two brothers
  2. Useful! Make us a litle safer.
  3. But the virus are aprimorated, then the antivirus, and this way go on.Its circle
  4. Going to make some scary things (6)
  5. ill take a look int his ^^
  6. ill tr it, aion is running a litle lazy here
  7. Ill try it, since i download lots of anime from hosts like mega and rapid
  8. thx for sahre, i was thinking about to learn PHP
  9. thx u for for this useful post
  10. Try kart'n crazy
  11. Nice, tryied halo zero a while ago and its cool for boring moments. I'll try some others
  12. F1 : Healing pot F2 : Hydro F3 : Ice Vortex
  13. Apella is beautiful, but i prefer Dynasty. =]
  14. Destroyer really destroy everything. hahahahhahahahhhaa
  15. 431/45; PvP is not my business. xD
  16. Saggitarius for sure.
  17. Hellbound, but i really like C4. ;]
  18. Destroyer or Overlord.
  19. Genieve for Female Archers/Mages Gilgamesh for Destro/Tyrant Wolfwood for male Dark Elf/Human
  20. L2Abyss. =] 1 year playing on 7x server, ahhahahahahah, it's hard.
  21. Passives/actives skills that raises P.atck or M.atck.
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