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Everything posted by Seamless

  1. Great job! Its exciting to see control panels evolving with better technologies and modern libraries. Id love to see this implemented for other L2J sources beyond acis.
  2. Every once in a while a "messiah" appears to throw garbage on a post in a dead forum, trying to revive something that is already long gone. The problem with this game isn’t corruption, donations, or even bad files. There are good projects with the same concept worth mentioning, but the reality lineage is old. Deal with it and move on. If you have the money, the infrastructure, and the developers, start building something new. In 2025, there are plenty of options, from Unity and Unreal to Godot. If you have ideas, put them into action and create something similar but fresh. After all, recycling trash still leaves you with trash
  3. Happy sales. good to see something for wordpress.
  4. I understand that this forum exists because a certain group of people likely know each other and share files as if it’s Christmas. However, let me clarify my point, as it seems many of you might not fully understand proper English. At no point did I call anyone sketchy rather, I referred to the post itself, as it does not clearly state the purpose of sharing something of such value. I have no idea who Shadawnetwork is or what he does, and frankly, I don’t care. I am not trying to create drama. I simply read a post about some pack with legitimate features and tried to understand the reasoning behind sharing it compiled. The author of the post responded: "Couldn't care less about money, especially within the L2 scene. Hope this clears things up for you & anyone else with the same thought pattern." So, yes, he made it clear his intentions are purely out of goodwill, and he’s the nicest guy in the room, doing this all for fun with no interest in profit. That’s fine. However, most people here don’t truly know what they are downloading, nor are they trained to recognize potential risks. A compiled JAR file can contain anything we’ve seen this happen in this forum many times. So, I simply expressed my opinion, as I assume this forum is open for discussion. After all, even open source projects have been found to contain exploits. The result to get attacked like we are in pre school. Since I did some research on who this guy is wasn’t he the one who shared ACIS 409 before anyone else? Yes, definitely very trustworthy. Even his writing style speaks volumes about his character. But honestly? I couldn’t care less. Don’t worry, boys Lineage 2 has been saved today.
  5. PS: You are still gay and still have gay sex with men. did papa rape you when you were younger thus the homophobic comments ? fragile masculinity. go get a gf or smth and let me fuck what ever i like. that exactly what i pointed out regarding this post. I didn't find anywhere that he is selling stuff. thats simply all but people get offended easily these days ffs
  6. Duuuuude are you degenerate or smth? I simply pointed out that your post doesn't clearly state the purpose of sharing, yet you responded with irrelevant comments about doing it for fun. Meanwhile, a buyer has commented that you’re a trusted seller, which only adds to the confusion. Nowhere in your post does it clarify whether you're looking for bug reports, promoting a freemium concept, or inviting testers. Instead of addressing my valid feedback, you chose to attack me and that makes you a stupid baffoon. If your goal is to be taken seriously, consider making your intentions clear in your post instead of lashing out at constructive criticism or funny meme pictures and yes fuck you too.
  7. Creating something and making money from it is not shameful in the modern world, so there's no need to be dramatic. I was simply curious about the point of sharing something with the world while keeping it locked. Would you plug a USB from an unknown person into your computer? Probably not. Your post itself seems sketchy.
  8. Could you clarify the purpose of this post? If it’s intended for distribution, it would be more appropriate to place it in the sellers' section with a full description of its purpose rather than sharing compiled files.
  9. what about VIP members which is the only role who can't bump their topics? I've been experiencing this for over a year now. I've contacted both you and Celestine multiple times, but I haven't received any response explaining why this is happening.
  10. Same story exists on the same board. Do some research before purchasing something that is not even handled by the seller. there are other cheaper alternatives using the same technologies as wizard cp.
  11. New Updates - Multi server on any L2jsource without any configuration - Vote System for Hopezone, L2 Votes, L2 Brazil, L2Top.org, L2 RankZone, and L2Top.co - 2FA (Two factor authenticator) - Must Verify account - Support for Docker. For those who know how to use Docker theres the option with one command to deploy it without any additional setup on the server. Also, there's the ability to build it in full binary and serve it from anywhere. Im using https://frankenphp.dev
  12. @rlfem123 I’m a web developer, and I work with technologies like Next.js and React. In the last 10 years, L2 Rankzone is the only one I’ve seen that actually did something different. All the others seem to have the same source code with different templates. L2 Hopzone also did an upgrade and, for the front end, is using Vue.js. Regarding web development, we have reached a point where you can easily create websites using libraries or frameworks. Simply pick one and start working. You will learn as you go. Personally, I prefer to build my back-end APIs in Laravel if it’s a big project since the ecosystem offers everything. For smaller projects, I choose Go. Then I use either React or Next.js to call my APIs, depending on the case. Next.js also supports Server-Side Rendering (SSR) if you want to hide some things from the client. Additionally, CSS libraries have almost everything you need nowadays to start building quickly with browser compatibility. You can seriously build an L2 website with ranks, a good design, and even a simple login/register system in just 3 days. Here are some CSS libraries I personally work with: https://tailwindui.com/components https://ui.shadcn.com/ https://mui.com/material-ui/ Regarding the top websites i dont thing its worth the time and effort. Its pretty simple to build one and the market is already bloated. In addition l2 is dying so i suggest to build top sites for many games. THe main problem is not the build process rather the marketing one. You can build the most awesome website iin terms of functionality but if you marketing is week you wont exceed 10 concurrent users.
  13. Pretty good stuff. Im happy to see people using new tech to build web stuff. is this electron js ?
  14. It's simple, don't get involved in those RU projects. Unfortunately, this game has taken a turn for the worse, both on private servers and official platforms. It's been completely ruined and left in ruins. Investing your resources in another game would be a far better use of your time and money. Posting about it won't achieve anything. it's just a waste of your time. If you're feeling nostalgic, play for a bit and then move on. The gaming scene surrounding this game is a mess, with money laundering fiascos on vote sites, servers, and among players. Im pretty sure the same people that selling these accounts you buy are the same they run the servers. In addition, the players and the community surrounding this game are some of the worst people you'll ever encounter. There are paid clans, paid CPS, paid VIPs - it's a mess. Not to mention the smaller projects that worth your time which attacked relentlessly with DDOS attacks, only to be left with no players because they don't pay people to play. Simply move on with your life and learn from your mistakes.
  15. I'm simply sharing my experience as a former client of your service, with no bad intentions. I had significant problems with the geodata, which led to numerous issues with an autofarm feature I had purchased from a third-party developer. Due to the locked parts, finding a potential fix for these issues was not feasible. Currently, I have no idea the state of l2jsunrise as a project.
  16. Just go with l2jmobius paid version. They have plenty of customs + full source code allowing you to easily hire a developer for any additional features you might need. In addition , daily fixes and updates. Price - Value ratio is totally worth it. L2jsunrise avoid it at all costs. As a former client i had many issues, they advertise that they provide full source code but part of it is locked. In addition, The basic package includes only fundamental features, and adding extras incurs additional costs. Moreover, even the features you purchase remain locked. In the end, you could end up spending between 300 to 500 euros and switching to another source with your player base will be pain in the ass.
  17. Black Friday Deal Till the end of November price will drop to 100 euro.
  18. This post is like you're asking for 20k euros and one free trip to Bahamas. Be careful because in the next 12 hours at least 4 people will comment to add them to discord in order to offer your the pack of your dreams which is going to be some shared shit your too bored to search for.
  19. The same topic comes up time and time again. The "end" of L2 isn't due to the server administrators or the type of servers they create. It's largely because as adults, we struggle to find the time for economic and social stability. The reason I don't play L2 isn't that the servers are shit. On the contrary, many of them introduce fresh content in both PvE and PvP, bringing innovative ideas to a game that's 20 years old. The real barrier is lack of time our life demands. I can't commit 6-7 hours daily just to make consistent progress to keep up with the meta and not to find myself lagging behind a week. This isn't only on l2 but with the general idea of mmo. In the past five years, I've bought games like New World, Diablo 4, WoW, and Final Fantasy 14. But often, I find myself leveling up at my own pace and mostly solo since my friends and I have different schedules. So, what do I end up doing when I feel like gaming? I typically boot up a MOBA or FPS, play for a couple of hours on Discord with whoever is available to play, then shut down my PC and call it a day. Additionally, to stay on topic, I believe we're currently in an era where there are several stable projects for players to enjoy. Examples include Reborn, Classic Club, Talking Island, and Gold, just to name a few. As for the Aqua project, I've observed its launch and closure occur at a similar pace as those scam servers you've mentioned.
  20. Seriously, who suggests Contabo for production servers? For a staging server, they are fine. But the numbers they claim are totally fake. €31 for 60GB RAM and 10 vCPUs? I have tried Contabo in the past before going to production with 8GB RAM and 4 vCPUs, and the loading times were a joke in terms of the runnable programs and hardware ratio. Then we went for an OVH staging server with 2 vCores and 4GB RAM, and it was blazingly fast compared to Contabo.
  21. So i will answear some of those and i might cover some of your topics since i have some free time to spare. -Only 1 kind of protection? For example, a protection like SmartGuard covers everything? 1. SmartGuard, AAC, and similar BOT protection systems aredesigned to detect and prevent the use of third-party bot software by players. They are not server protections against malicious attacks on your server. These systems work by monitoring and collecting data to identify and block bot programs used by players. Their main purpose is to prevent players from farming 24h/7 and destryoing the server's gameplay and economy. No other protection rather than that. -I need to add protections, adverts, topsites and so on. -Where can I find good protection? 2. When it comes to protecting your server against various attacks, such as DDoS attacks and SQL injections, it's important for server administrator (YOU ) to acquire knowledge and implement security measures. These measures may include setting up firewalls, implementing detection systems, regularly updating server software, and following secure coding practices for any websites or applications connected to your server's database. While some VPS or server providers may offer built-in firewall solutions, but are not enough. 3. You can run your l2j emulator to any rented vps or bare metal server outhere. I dont recomend to go big and rent a big ass server with 32gb of ram and 32 core cpu since you will waste your money. Personally i prefer to go with cloud services since are pretty cheap and scalable if you need more without having to re install everything from the start. Some of those are hetzer , OVH and Linode (linode not offer windows server option). A vps with 8gb of ram and 4 vcpu is enough to run a good amount of players. Ofc there are other things you need to considered once you go bigger and bigger or what functions your l2j emulator has. For example if you want to run phantom bot engine with 1000 fake players you might need more resources. To conclude, before considering opening your project, set clear goals for the project. If you intend to scale it up, read up as much as you can. Otherwise, go ahead and open it, and solutions will occur as you encounter problems. Some self-explanatory guides can be found here: Follow these series, and they will cover many of your questions. Additionally, if you don't understand some concepts, try Googling them.
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