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Everything posted by kermi

  1. liar English or Greek pls ^^ Read the rules
  2. Really everytime?? ahhaha Server failed ^^
  3. but ofc nothing work
  4. Azure-gaming Celes x7. Fresh server http://www.azuregaming.net/L2/
  5. Website copy from L2reloaded.org-> Look logo-> Lineage2 Hellbound and many many more ;) And look down->
  6. l2inc.eu ;)
  7. Yea maybe easy but look the donate~! Max enchant->+30 Max enchant from donate-> +50
  8. I think u need search ^^ Its easy... http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=53321.0
  9. Welcome. RULES
  10. Its very good game for PC with Joypad:)
  11. So when it server open?? //edit sry ^^ Server opened ^^ Delete this post
  12. Its naab server-> Phx work, 2 olympiad bugs(with /unstuck and logout), Gm dont know how to change buff time(from player's), 2? gm's not speak english, every gm's not know why all lost points and match in oly~! Daggers, Bow's and SPS OVERPOWERED-> Dagger and Bow on heavy and sps use very fast cancel....
  13. Yes all daggers, bow and tyrant moved in heavy :) but not me ^^
  14. Change Topic Title~! How many online??
  15. WOOOOW ;) Eggs ;)
  16. [move]http://www.todaysbigfail.com[/move] Its Website with Video about "big fail" http://www.todaysbigfail.com/view/20090304 http://www.todaysbigfail.com/view/20080823
  17. OOO nc ;) Xfire not work on my l2 ;) So i try it~! //edit If it save every time?? or i end game and time restarted?? Sry for english ^^
  18. pc: Crysis and Tomy Clancy: H.A.W.K
  19. So hard to use google or search in mxc?? http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=54489.0
  20. yeye :) all Admin tell that~!
  21. kk sry :)
  22. check sections rules, add more info , fix title
  23. Yes i logged.... 0 players:) only me Ehh u cant see in my words irony?? i tell only webiste sux ~! where u see "Server sux"??? or "bad server"???? good website= better advertisement
  24. If u want help with website its my msn: kamilzaba0408@windowslive.com
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