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Everything posted by kermi

  1. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=99338.0
  2. [PL]Napisał przedrostek Shi* rates Shi* enchant Home Server
  3. Game: Online Online: 2 Accounts: 25 Chars : 19 Clans: 2 @aspirina97 Change Website title Now is
  4. If server have autoaccount register then its a l2j
  5. Change topic title: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=46356.0
  6. What community? 100+ or maybe 500+??xD
  7. If u delete custom armor and weapons then i play here!
  8. I have question: 1: Did u know: a)html b)java c)xhtml d)etc xD 2: It's ur first server?? 3: Someone sick in ur family??[in head]?? :D
  9. Free website from free host?? Next 1 week server!
  10. What?? Anyway i love faction servers
  11. Mod close this topic!
  12. Brzoza webiste work for u?? :o
  13. what communinty??
  14. www.l2-lansers.pl 18:00 start 02.11.2009 Server Information Rates: 45x EX 60x SP 80x ADENA 30x DROP 10x SPOIL 20x Quest drop Enchant: Safe 4 Max wep: 20 armor: 16 jewel: 16 EnchantChanceWeapon Blessed = 80 Normal = 75 EnchantChanceArmor Blssed = 78 Normal = 75 EnchantChanceJewelry Blessed = 75 Normal = 70 General Informations: Chronicle Gracia Final Auto-learn skills Spawn protect 120 sec Raid boss system Gracia Final skills Global GK 90 % HellBound Monsters Raid Bosses 100%. Subs 4 Ollympiad fully working! Noblesse Buy Able Hero System Seven signs working 100% Retail-like Clan Halls Fishing works 100% Recommendations 100% Special quest NPC. All buffs last 2 hours. Prophecies 2 hours. AIO buffers in towns Seven signs working 100% Recommendations 100% Sieges 100% Dynasty Armors & Weapons Drop Bosses Icarus Weapons Drop Bosses Sumon Hors Aghations Apella Armors Vesper items Drop Bosses Geodata 100 % Buffs 26 / Dances songs : 12 Automatic Class advance Max Sub Class lvl 85 Gm shop from D - A Grade Items Clan LvL cost decreased. Clan Penatlies decreased. Vitality System Auto Loot TvT Every full hour
  15. stop bump'ing or i report ur post's to mod
  16. WTS: SH with subclass Cardinal. Skill's on SH: All 80+ Enchant: DS+14 Power Tempest+10 Power VC+15 SAP Hurri+17 Power Sillence/Sleep/Surrender to Wind +12 chance Slow+10 chance Items: Vesper Buster+16+Acu 195wind Vesper Noble Robe Set +10/10/10/10/6 4lvl Elemental Vesper Sigil +7 Dynasty Jew Set+ 10/16/16/10/10 75 BeaS 4BewS IC Hall+16+acu 170 Dark 356GB 12 GC 1 Earth Stone 4 Divine/Wind Stone's 2 Fire/Dark stone's 2 Fire Crystal's 1 Earth Crystal 40k RGC 143 Golden Apiga 41 Apiga Bracelat S grade Top-Grade Magic Pouch Mithril Belt+3 Scale Shirt+5+CP Offer for real money or char on another server Msn: Kemritek@windowslive.com
  17. For money?? 4-5 day's and i got vesper weapon+16, vesper set+10, dynasty jewels set+16...
  18. kermi

    [HELP C++]

    Thanks but [Linker Error] Unresolved external '_Form1' referenced from D:\PROGRAMY\BORLAND\CBUILDER6\PROJECTS\PROJECT1.OBJ [Linker Error] Unresolved external 'TForm1::' referenced from D:\PROGRAMY\BORLAND\CBUILDER6\PROJECTS\PROJECT1.OBJ
  19. kermi

    [HELP C++]

    I have home work: Write block diagram and program in c++ builder what write whole number from 23 to 45. Sry for my english.. :( Thanks!!!!
  20. kermi


    Yeap. Mod close this topic
  21. Tell me... Buffer have a 3rd class buffs?? and How long?
  22. How big comminuty on x35??
  23. Its LT language?? I know polish and english so...
  24. Give more info about server!!!
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