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Everything posted by kermi

  1. I <3 u Ibis ;) Really?? All gate work?? all npc in castle work?? ahhaha BullShit
  2. l2gold.eu l2-platinum.com l2elmore.com l2euroworld.com/
  3. Bfdr?? x12 donate for vitality system :) db allowed 1/2class for adena but 3q ful lquest sub and noble q full
  4. W8 for advertisment from Ibis ^^ I Raiden friend and i knot only ar this week Beta test's opened
  5. Yes they only end change something in files and open beta started ;)
  6. l2-aria.com.pl May 11, 2009, Welcome all again! We are about to finish our project l2j. Its not so often to see such a nice l2j server without any bugs or things which are not working like they supposed to. Our small and skilled team is hardly working with that project. Previously server went off cuz we haven't got enough money for last month. This time money is not a problem. We will put our server on machine which can handle about 500 ppl or even more without any lags. Forum is in finishing phase so soon it will also opened for all - you will be able to see some news about it on our main site. We hope that you - players will help us with growing this server with your activity on forum and we hope you can proove it. It's all about the fun. Ibis _________________________________________
  7. U thief ;) Its l2-aria.com.pl website :)
  8. Change the language~!
  9. It's copy of l2gold server ;) sry now euroworld or eurogold ;) i not remember
  10. Sry:) Delete it ;)
  11. Facking Spamer~! http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=56960.0
  12. http://www.l2deathwhisper.com/
  13. http://www.l2deathwhisper.com/
  14. No customs! what i mean >> no custom armors, no custom weapons, areas can be.
  15. /offtop on okae double post not accpet ^^ /offtop off Let's see server ;)
  16. U add password only for memory card~!
  17. LAWL :) Some Funny
  18. now 2k++++ ;) all over the farm pvp ':)
  19. They change hardware....
  20. gspzoumhs go to school..... u have problem with read~!
  21. no:) l2.exe have very similar code to troian horse~! Dont worry ;) Download It
  22. I think here only greek and english language is possible.
  23. Nice server but why u copy website??? http://l2-platinum.com/ ur Website U Copy everything but dont change it~! I think u need speak with L2-Platinum Staff about that~!
  24. one more l2joke~! L2j files is good only for h.rate~!
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