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Everything posted by Nightw0lf

  1. and ofc you could read whats in this topic and answers just useless post thanks for bumping
  2. code dont worth even 5 euros its 5-10 lines plus you can report it to frozen team in their forum so they will fix it for free lols
  3. an ksereis na kaneis organize ta imports kai merikes alages nai
  4. anoikse sto router sou ta port 7777 2106 gia ekswterikes sindeseis an exeis firewall vale auti ti port 9014 sto local network an den doulepsei meta exeis kati lathos pou einai kai pio pithano sta config sou me tis ip
  5. this is old post plus if you find a web with injection working means its abbandoned
  6. DELETE FROM tablename WHERE condition>0 AND contition != 'raid'; fix this to fill the table name and contitions(column names) the fist contition will delete where drops are bigger of 0 and second contition will prevent it on deleting the raid (raid is example you will add the i dont know L2Raid or something) possible table name = drops possible first contition = type possible second contition = monsters
  7. oxi palikari to pack den thewreite vary apla ta freya genikotera einai outdated dld ta bugs mono thelei na ftiaxneis kai na valeis oti lupei(an) me geodata kai ssd pantws argise kata tin gnwmh mou na anoiksei... tha sou proteina na pareis enan allo skliro to ligotero 100 giga kai na valeis ta windows ekei... meta na valeis ton ssd mono gia na kaneis egatastasi programmata kai ton server sou meta metakinise kai to arxeio selidopiisis epanw kai tha deis perisoteri taxitita sto server giati twra trwei porous apo to skliro to leitourgiko systima twra to poso vary einai analogws to pack +geodata + posi ram exeis dwsei sto bat arxeio gia na trexei...
  8. well l2jserver actually needs no made configuration only for special cases you can propably test default configuration and add a no-ip set it in your network card (in case you have more than 1) else leave the default open the ports and its ready did you test that? edit: try to test with this <define subnet="" address="your local 192.168.1.x" />
  9. skopeveis na to sikwseis spiti sou? den katalava otan les oti to mixanima einai gia dedicated server tha to steileis ekswteriko? giati den thewreite vary apo to anoigma an px kaneis delete tis quest gia ti pack milas einai interlude i h5 kati allo mipos? to pc einai mia xara apo sindesi tha exeis provlima an milame gia entos tis xwras
  10. rename the default_ipconfig.xml into ipconfig.xml
  11. kalo den exw ksanadei tetoio guide apo oso thimamai mpravo sou tha proteina vevea na xrisimopieis notepad++ kai project acis pou xrisimopioun oi perisoteroi mou arese poli pou ekanes full guide kai sto client to epsakses mexri telous kai pali mpravo
  12. yes my mistake i had to answer in many things and i am paralel doing other jobs its hard to keep up with everything i will edit it, the fix is for hopzone its only a typo T/H opzone :okey:
  13. the problem is that you didnt understand that i dont sell the console i mostly want to sell the fix for hopzone that the console consept is based on. the plus parts are only plus parts nothing more nothing has to do with the jar or the source or anything else. about the jar i open you a private discution and i will tell you there why i am negative.
  14. for you might took a month i actually worked it 1 day to find a fix for hopzone the rest xm dont remember yes there is a more in compile than you see and you cant edit jar throw me shit like i dont know like you know me shows alot 10mb for hopzone because if you have server your hopzone reward propably not working you didnt understand a think from the first topic i already answer the qeustions and no its not heavy i dont say "You can have it on other computer" because the server is heavy i say "You can have it on other computer" because your game server can have more memory and less threads if you remove anything isnt that right? i troll only apes that throw shit on others without even know some things i will answer as much detailed as i can so an ape like you can understand yes finalized no edit no i am not offering any engine no server connectivity the console is not connected to anything (you can cry because i created it) WHY NOT CHECKING MY POST YOUR OTHER APE FRIENDS WILL MISS YOU COME BACK! I CAN START COMING ON YOUR POSTS ! oh i forgot now lets see every cycle a normal shared system checks : 1 hopzone (connections http/SQL) 2 topzone (connections http/SQL) mine 1 hopzone (connections removed/SQL) along with the jar imports for http 1 hopzone (connections removed/SQL) along with the jar imports for http i could say more but i think you wouldnt understand
  15. "they arent loaded unless u call them" "the only difference your engine got is a splitted console" you are way missinformed read again the topic and some java. and NO you cannot edit the jar. edit: well i will help you search your mistake in google type exception java.lang.noclassfounderror
  16. hes the reason that this part of the forum is dead well.. almost you are 2 now
  17. yes you have a point thank you i will update it
  18. how you feel to be the last one alive in that section? at least some times you got answers
  19. you have big audacity to say something like that, if you do that in your real life when you go to a store or something thats has nothing to do with my program instead it has to do with your parrents and the way they rise you, go back on your tree ape. the difference is that you can edit the source when you have it, to add more sites instead of hopzone and topzone. it has some differences from the shared i will say some examples you can have it on other computer (less ram/cpu) it not loads on game server less libraries since they moved on that server for the specific purpose to load less ram faster cpu and script excecution time it checks hopzone and it uses database 1 time per checktime (30sec) or what you want less communication from the shared systems if you know the fix for topzone is 10mb libs more... i mean thats not so good for loading in a game server isnt it? edit: the patch removes imports from some java libraries also and they wont need to load on game server some ppl might find this unusfull but when i can do something little more faster i do it, because when you have 50 players online it wont lag.. but if you have more than 200-300 players you look even the smallest thing to remove to gain some speed, with that said i think i answer some questions.
  20. kane disable to firewall i to antivirus kai dokimase pali
  21. everybody trolling everywhere i see i do it 1 time and i get in the corner... look at your own job sweety
  22. use the since the local ip is possibly able to change on a computer restart or if a new computer will be add to the network if you have auto ip in other words if you do it looks only on your computer always then the no-ip do all the job to make your server online you dont need anything else but the ports open. edit wtf member no. 846 you stuck on this? :y u no?:
  23. οh i understood wrong then you have to make a temp name with the original name and store it for every player that pass the if (contition) and then call it back when he gets out of the contition it will help if you look the clan leader change name admin command handler and change name admin command handler also then send packet to casted in all players inside the if(contition) that are inside the zone
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