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Everything posted by Nightw0lf

  1. <table><tr><td>image</td><td>button</td><td>image</td></tr></table>
  2. opws sou apantisan kai sto aggliko tomea xrisimopiise to /stand kai den epitrepete na kaneis dipla post
  3. download java 1.7 for frozen
  4. format
  5. delete C:/Eclipse Project/GameServer/ to build exei allo provlima vale sto compiler java 1.7 or 1.8 analogws to pack pou exeis
  6. profanws dixnei oti sto classpath exeis dilwmena ayta ta dio jar alla an doulevei xwris auta to pack sou ignore them! o allos tropos einai na kaneis ena deksi klik sto project->build path->configure build path kai na ta kaneis delete
  7. remove this code not everybody knows how to remove javolution FastList,FastMap,TypeFormat most ppl cant pass the login screen... jesus +import javolution.util.FastList; +import javolution.util.FastMap; +import javolution.text.TypeFormat;
  8. Credits goes to some guy in l2jserver this is just adopted for frozen
  9. br wins ladies and gendlemen thats wrong link you add there
  10. but there is a protection and client is not going to crash anymore a small if statement "html is to big to display" ^^
  11. open ports? canyouseeme.org good luck
  12. as far I remember it was hardcoded on hellas when I was messing with it there, maybe you talking for aCis and its changed, the truth is I don't really remember now but I think this informations are very helpfull! :)
  13. actually whats left is acis and russian packs alive so if you dont want russian stuff inside your pack (witch is good and wheird some times) go to acis but in the end you will learn something, how to add something for example by your self and what it does (also read some java in general) if you fail give it a time and try again, guides are everywhere even "how to" when you go to piss so .... there is also another perspective if you want to examine some other packs how they work check some timelines frozen.com example l2jserver.com see how this java emulator works what ever you need and questions come in this forum relax grab a pop corn you will propably find an answer after some 'e-wars' and 'whos the best'. good luck
  14. There is alot of shared customized drop panels try one of them and see where you can change them, html is hard coded inside java, small html knowledge based on table tr td you can make what ever you want :)
  15. I dont recommend frozen because all of my customers have problems I gather a big patch with fixes and still they come up with other problems its boring, specially when I try to communicate with frozen guys but they are dead, I got arguments you and talk about performance ...
  16. they have changed so many things that you will not be able to do this without some experience i suggest you to stop using frozen i suggest also to get the latest rev that you will still have to update/upgrade many things and in the end stop using this pack if you want my opinion
  17. exw doulepsei se 3 internet cafe kai exw stisei 4 sto sinolo kati kserw apo auta pou les.. exw doulepsei kai sto bar gia na kserw kalitera to an variete i oxi kai an les oti eisai 24 kai exeis internet cafe kai afineis na ginete mpourdelo einai diko sou lathos episis diko sou lathos einai kai to stisimo tou programmatos an esi to perases giati uparxoun apiroi tropoi gia na min vgenei, cafe agent douleva kai egw kai hmoun poli euxaristimenos
  18. profanws to paidi den koitouse to programa sto server gia osi wra kathosoun i den ton endiefere giati to programa vgazei mauro ton ipologisti sou kai midenizei i wra sou otan teleiwsei (gia standar wres) an eixes start time tha plirwnes kanonika giati sinexizei na metraei kanonika o server parolo pou einai offline to client opote, gia osous to akolouthisoun auto profanws uparxei periptwsi na fane ksilo apo oti vlepw sta post se orismenes periptwseis giafto min vazeis tetoies idees sto kosmo :)
  19. pote min krineis xwris na ksereis auti ti stigmi kanw auto akrivws kai zw apo auto kai vazw kai stin akri kai genika auto pou kanw edw den exei skopo na mou vrei douleia alla mou fanike periergo auto to topic tosa xronia sto forum auto einai protofanes pou leei panw, kai apo tin stigmi pou perimenoun apo kapoion na dwsei proswpika stixeia opws tilefwno tha prepei na poun kai autoi pioi einai ti kanoun pou einai kapoia vasika pragmata diladi... twra pou eksigithika xwris pareksigisi min me ta prizete
  20. xairomai pou me akolouthas niothw kathe skato pou petaw sto dromo pws to mazeveis kai tou dineis ena sxima monadiko an thelw den prepei na kserw posa kai pou prin sas dosw to til mou eite egw eite opoios dipote?
  21. to eclipse den to kaneis install
  22. copy your workspace usualy c:/users/youruser/workspace/here is your work or simply move to dedicated the build files
  23. Hello, You want some solution and you're stack? You want to buy webhost, domain name, dedicated server, and you don't know how to setup/configure? Your eclipse can't compile? You have other related question? Web / Server: Check the security of your Database connections Users IPs etc. CMS Installations Forum Installations Website/Forum Database creation and secure access/backup to your computer via navicat. Ports open Server installation Payment : Minimum charge is 20€ (prepaid) Payment method: Paypal Average solution time: 60minutes FAQ Your problem or request is not listed? Ask me about it How do I contact? skype, email, here How this works? You tell me your problem, then I review it and you get a reply (negative or possitive) about it, after we agree and I confirm the payment I need the teamviewer. Minimum charge is depended on services? its 25€/hour and minimum 10€ even if its 10 sec to fix What is secured database connections? Use of Prepared statements that cannot be SQL Injected (read more) for example TOP 10 PvP/PK Players/Clans on your website and more Your question isnt answered? ask or private by E-mail or skype or post below Hours I can find you? After 15:00 GMT+2 REQUIREMENTS You have to talk English/Greek language CONTACT E-mail: click here Skype:
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