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Everything posted by Nightw0lf

  1. buy everything is aaaaaaaaalmost half price nice try tho
  2. den to lew gia sena prwsopika oti akouei kapion pou tou leei na svisei arxeia alla i diafimisi itan poliiiiiiiiiiiii ekei pou tha prepe hahahahahahaha, kserw to provlima tou einai sto service an svisei to service i to stamatisei tote tha luthei alla den fenete na antapokrinete se auta pou tou lew egw an deis san na min iparxw ena pragma to korifeo einai pou petagete o allos kai tou leei akrivws auto pou tou lew sta aglika san na min iparxw
  3. all bots get ban there dont try it
  4. oxi sou eipa kane apegkatastasi an exei minei akoma kapio service akoloutha auto https://www.lifewire.com/deleting-service-in-windows-7-vista-and-xp-153356 kai aporw giati akous kapion pou irthe na kanei diafimisi kai sou leei na sviseis arxeia pou einai lathos se auti ti periptwsi
  5. gia na katalavw diafimisi tou dailyhost kaneis? auto pou les den kolaei me to provlima tou paidiou
  6. simenei oti exeis idi kapio service installed me onoma mysql pou trexei idi uninstall mysql kai perna ksana
  7. i am not throwing mud, i try to help you out i just told you the problem, and i never said anything about hosting related problem, there is no reason to avoid the fact by telling me your work that and that, i am php developer with 22 years experience i did not come here to compare it i just gave you the problem along with its solution, plus your customer came to me 3 years ago i doubt you fixed this issue either with payments or the dupes, i also tested it and it works on your 2 of your clients back then, still this topic is not a share and from what i see its editted already from moderator so there is no point to discuss anything else for me here. unless you want me to share it and prove my point. your technical support failed back then and your client came to me very dissatisfied. and as i said he wanted me to share it but i wont repeat my self you can read my first post.
  8. this source is not maintained and it is not recommended if you dont know this language there are other donate panels like denart unless you want the account feature
  9. this is not a share i dont know why you bumb it i will tell you this about your auction and wheel tho, they can be manipulated by users who can repeat requests and get free items in game, i even tried to fix your donation system its very broken panel i gave up, i did not share it like the owner wanted me to do because it will do more damage in servers than your pockets
  10. share source to remove the backdoor please
  11. if its on 1. Clean source created from scratch, which uses NET framework 4.8. this means its not backwards compatible for your players so be warned that players with windows xp or windows 7 without this framework the updater wont even open probably around windows 8+ will ask to install (if it has this feature) this updater is almost like this one https://updater.denart-designs.com/ some pros dynamic settings from online panel (that means the settings can change live for all players) dynamic setting for template: 1 click to change template for all players has 1 month of free testing payment comes every month for 2 euro is tested from windows XP it will ask for installation cons its abandoned cause of no interest from people but works
  12. for mozilla users click here https://vote.denart-designs.com/ for the rest: https://vote.denart-designs.com/VoteCatcher.zip https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/6627d85d7f06df5f830a4b45c80263aea07783bd3663f83422df2d46ffa8c091/detection hopzone itopz l2network l2topgameserver l2jtop l2votes gamestop200 hotservers privateserver gamingtop100 https://prnt.sc/-peOfJXx-Ipb
  13. this code has some questionable functions and changes inside, thread.sleep and concurrent exceptions, i would not use it raw you should fix alot of things on this code. the developer probably didnt know how to use enumerations and changed this partyPlayer.setTeam(TeamType.NONE); to this partyPlayer.setTeam(0); and that should be enough about this code to make you understand its not good quality. Note: dont use random free stuff you find on the internet, you might damage your server. peace✌
  14. wow i just saw the video, they have this on their test server @Xeonc that is not client issue
  15. Εγώ δεν βλέπω να έχεις φάει scam, ίσα ίσα σου είπε να τα πείτε από κοντά για καφέ, σου είπε ότι έχει κάποιο πρόβλημα που το έβγαλες στην φόρα να το δούνε όλοι, προσφέρθηκε να σε βοηθήσει που είχε ελεύθερο χρόνο. Εφόσον σου είπε συγκεκριμένη ώρα και τον έστησες αντί να έχει παράπονο αυτός έχεις εσύ; Δεν πάει έτσι. Προς τους admin: Εφόσον ο κάρα έχει προφίλ εδώ σαν trader και έχει πολλά θετικά σχόλια πάνω στη δουλειά του ποιος ο λόγος που τα έχει αν με κάτι τέτοιο τρώει ban και δεν παίρνει αρνητικό σχόλιο; ο λόγος που πέφτει το φόρουμ είναι και αυτός γενικότερα όχι αποκλειστικά για τον κάρα διώχνοντας τον τι κερδίσατε ηθική ικανοποίηση το SEO που κάνει ο κάρα στο φόρουμ είναι ποιο χρήσιμο και ποιο σημαντικό απο έναν ζακάπα που δεν έχει κάν ήθος; Τώρα βλέπω ότι έφαγε ήδη ban ούτε τον αφήσατε να πει την γνώμη του η την δική του πλευρά ότι νάναι ο άλλος Προς τους υπόλοιπους: Πετάγεται και μιλάει για @splicho πού κολλάει αυτός και ποιος είναι αυτός ο HowardStern. ο Dection κόβει ένσημο εδώ με την επιχείρηση... λίγο τρόπους και λίγο σεβασμό δεν είδα κάτι που ζητάτε για τον εαυτούλη σας. για όσους νομίζουν η πιστεύουν ότι λέω μαλακίες: https://prnt.sc/rn6w6I_J9bk7 49 άτομα (που είναι σε αυτό το φόρουμ) του έχουν αφήσει θετικό σχόλιο για δουλειά https://maxcheaters.com/profile/211871-kara/?tab=node_feedback_Feedback τα +30 άτομα που λές πού τους βρήκες μπορείς να πείς συγκεκριμένα ονόματα και να ήταν +30 που λές πάλι έχει 60%+ καλά review στατιστικά μιλώντας.
  16. 404 not found about the install maybe unknown soldier could make a guide, all of the guides for l2off are lost in internet, only those who know how to install can install an l2off today new users are unaware of: dsn connections correct mssql database installation correct .sql file installation those are the most hard if you want my opinion Note: if you need l2off web, donate, invite system, vote let me know
  17. i mean after all this problems caused by a driver update and lineage stop working, the most possible reason is that he forgot some important driver to install, that if is installed now and he update the graphic card drivers might work? people should first identify their motherboards https://www.cpuid.com/ in case they dont know their models then google the motherboards company and download full drivers, just be carefull when updating bios. other than that if all drivers installed properly directx is very important https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=35 and windows updated fully there should be no problem at all, so its very weird
  18. i am wondering what happens if he try to update his drivers again what happens then?
  19. nothing was wrong with my attitude the difference was in translation i could say "dont be an ass" or "dont be an asshole" its the same but the first is less offending and i sould have cut the word, so i apoligized but that was not a reason to remove his solution post its just correct way of saying in last post the solution to not be confuzing and then lock
  20. whats your build and what programs running? l2 window fails to open resolution fail to set read only files? antivirus? alot of questions
  21. what you want to achieve is not well said, if you want to make as player faster the set or as admin to lower the cost/values
  22. without source can somebody develop this tool to be working with other than acis packs?
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