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Everything posted by MadTheo

  1. I first started on a 30x server. Was wondering around to some friends who we're playing lineage, and i decided i should try too. A newbie in lineage, and this friends told me to make a prophet,cause it's strong and good. Think about it ... took me 3 months to make lvl 74 and have all buffs (that was during c3) Than came the TH with demon sword+might mortal. Mmm. The taste of pvp and pk is so sweet ;) I'm playing TH since than
  2. That's a nice post. And about no grade dagger, i belive that's 101% bullsh1t .
  3. Depends on the time you have to play. And the mood. I play on 30x atm, and when bored on a 10x server(which is way more cool than 30x but i don't have time for it:( )
  4. I vote for necro, and sps after. In oly, a sps should always kick ass to a sh
  5. I vote for seeds. If you know how to use them, manor system is great. And you can make a lot of money with mats
  6. Shining looks nice, but you can't find it on any servers. And draconic bow +focus ;) i vote for it. OffTopic: Shyeed Bow+focus +++ is nice too,if you can't get a draconic bow.(and i like the look of Shyeed)
  7. And the most important thing is ? PLAY THE GAME, DON'T LIVE IT ;) gg
  8. Amazing. Knew almost all except some of ally and macros. But this helped me. ty a lot dude
  9. I have to tank you for the 2nd prt of the topic. the 'eggs' drop. I have a clan lvl 6 and i never find some, for clan skills. Ty a lot
  10. I have 1 question. What dyes should i use in Oly as a temple knight ?
  11. At lvl 38 i spoil after stone of purity in ant nest. And if you have a friend who can help you, you could start spoiling in catacomb of the branded.CBP and SOP rulez there, and some nice drops and crafting recipes. As Vampiria said, if you can get a warlord and a buffer with vampiric rage(for warlord if it's low lvl) the things will go very fast and amazingly nice
  12. Might,shield,focus,death wisper,bless the body,haste,G.might,Song of earth,Song of hunter,Song of champion,Song of Renewal,Dance of warrior,fire,fury + any prophecy(except water ofc) No PR or SR stand in front of a hawkeye buffed like that.And if it is Saggitarius ...
  13. Now this is a nice guide,Maybe some newbie CL like mine will finally get some skills for clan.
  14. And wich of this augments you think is the best ?
  15. It's good.Most of people knows some commands, but i always make mistakes with macro :) Ty again
  16. I saw the jeweles on L2pride, but i never thought to compare them with tt. I will try it
  17. Well, i will gonna test this duals.Just hope i won't be to suspicious :)
  18. Does PS2 games counts? TheWarriors for me As for PC, Need For Speed,Warcraft and Lineage
  19. Lineage WorldOfWarcraft Aion Counter Strike Counter Strike, i don't like it at all.Same sh1t every time.A game for bored people
  20. No fighting pls ;D I love both games.Even Diablo 1 i played till i got sick of it. But lineage is my love now :P About Diable 3, i'm waiting for it.I'm really curious
  21. Need For Speed rulez, and i bet the next nfs that appear will rule too.
  22. The best mmo i play are 9dragons and lineage.The worst, Mu-online. But still, i didn't try all from the list. Thank you for it m8, i will try to check some, as more as possible :)
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