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Everything posted by procrustis

  1. Dokimase auto to site: http://www.hnt1.net/id
  2. Egw 8a s protina na xrisimopoihseis kapio L2jFree Server Pack. Afto p les to xerw men...alla dn to xrisimopoihsa pote... Ean 8es na xrisimopoihseis ena L2jFree pare auto 8a s dwsw. Enas eixe pei oti afto to serverpack p tou edwsa eixe provlimata. Se emena dn dimiourgise kanena apolitos. Interlude: http://rapidshare.com/files/82353406/IL_L2JFree_2741_-_Final.7z Kamael CT1: http://rapidshare.com/files/91977628/CT1_L2JFree_3075.7z
  3. Problem solved. Buffer is working fine now. Thnx 4 your help.
  4. Good Evening guys. Long time ago i was able to setup any buffer @L2JFree serverpacks... BUT... 1 week ago, a friend of mine ... came up with an idea to setup a L2JServer provided by a germany company. I told him: "Ok make the agreements and i will help you" but i couldn't/can't make the buffer work. If somebody is cappable of helping me, please take the time to reply @this thread. I will also leave the needed folders so if any1 see what i have wrong, just say it here. I will be very greatfull to any of you who will try to help me with this old issue that i shouldn't ask help. I used search (in case some1 say "use search noob" ) i did exactly what they where saying but with zero solution. Thnx in advance !! Buffer: http://rapidshare.com/files/92970906/buffer_who_needs_help.rar.html Custom Folder that is inside here "C:\server\gameserver\data\jscript" : http://rapidshare.com/files/92971236/custom.rar.html Errors that i get : GameServer error : failed to import quest : 9999_NPCBuffer IG Error : You are either not carrying out your quest or don't meet the criteria
  5. You though that you are? You are wrong. I am the best in ultimate edition
  6. Much better in black mode :P But what is that? "DDS of draconic bow " What does the "DDS" means? Thnx in advance!
  7. Lolz... at least guys, don't say always "thnx dude, thnx,ty,thank you" Say something different like "Great share of yours, GBY" It's quite annoying to see always the same and the same words. BTW Cosmos (The Admin) said that he will put soon an anti-bot system that has never been broken. I don't actually know if it's true but we will wait to see what's gonna happen.
  8. Thnx 4 the serverpack. Some friends of mine have been looking 4 it. I have just 2 questions... In your post you say: "server: http://rapidshare.com/files/90026157/ServidorC5Full.rar - fixed Fix: http://rapidshare.com/files/76403038/L2ServerC5__shortcut_fix_.zip Update HTML : http://rapidshare.com/files/76403046/html-ex5.rar" Does this mean that the first link is fully updated with the fix or do i have to do it by my own? Also, does this S.P. supports x32 or only x64?
  9. 1 more useless topic of yours. It has already been posted before. USE SEARCH !!! DAMIT !!!
  10. The same thread has alread been posted. Why none try to use the magic button called "search" before he releashes something?
  11. Your problem not mine. Search better.
  12. It has already been posted more times than you think. Next time search.
  13. Over 999999999999999999+ Guides about Server Configuration. Useless topic. Doesn't deserve +1 from my point of view...
  14. Aqua Timez - Alones (ver. TV Size) 7hj_f-RY9pA High and Mighty Color - Ichirin no hana (ver. TV Size) eOEuQITUgRY&feature=related Yui - Rolling Star 2YqkBYG4svo&feature=related Active Member - Avrio nvxQjckkKyA Active Member - Kalws eir8es paraxene ston topo mou R829XAm-5O4&feature=related Active Member - Fylakas Aggelos XfKgMpR8zNM&feature=related B.D.Foxmoor - Tis fotias oi magoi YSKMwSibz60 Sadahzinia - Xrewse ta sti fotia ot3AE4c-c5k&feature=related Sadahzinia - Petranasa PpYJDaHxQus&feature=related The Von Bodies - C'mon C'mon _GzBPwf4jog
  15. I don't really think that you don't have couple hours... And btw...it is not a big thing to change the duration of 'em. Who would change the lvls? and what for? I don't get it...
  16. I suggest Thanos123 for W3 e.t.c. 'cause he has lots of experience @W3 especially @Dota. As far as i'm concerned i don't know if i could be cappable to handle something @WoW but i think i'm gonna make it.
  17. Ok man thnx. If somebody else knows something, please say it here. Thnx
  18. Thnx 4 that but what about the buff limit?
  19. The discription is actually displayed in the header. Although...I would like to know how i can: 1. Change the buffs from 20mins to 2h. 2. Change the buff limit from 20 to 24 (or more) Serverpack Used: Official C5. Please do not mention the L2j way. I need for L2 OFF not for L2J. Thnx for reading.
  20. Re c boy...gt agxonese? Dn exoume kati apenadi sou...alla re man... Ilikrina ...mi mas ti bgeneis GOD mao tao klp apo panw. Egw prosopika dn exw me kanenan sas tpt... Vevea poles fores nevriazw me << kapia >> posts / threads pou vlepw. Alla k pali dn milaw... EC loipon re NS ti mas to pezeis dld << magkas >> ? Den kanei o maxtor ban k kaneis eC? Eleos dld... Stamata ilikrina na eisia yperanw olwn. Kai xana lew...dn exw kati me esena...oute me kapoion alon.. (sxetiko to "me kapoion alon").
  21. [offtopic] NS sry pou sto lew afto boy alla arxizeis k m ti spas.... [/offtopic]
  22. Dn nomizw na me endiaferei poly to post count. Anti8etws kapioi aloi kanoun sa treloi -.- . Kai dn nomizw na eipa kati kako. Tin ali8eia eipa... Pikri alla swsti. Ta posts sou na ta kaneis edit mi kaneis double posts k.o.k. .
  23. hahahaha Nice Chat loool. The man/womman called "stoika" is really amazing. I'm sure he/she didn't send any money and he/she just did it for fun ;p
  24. miso na s vrw... Tha kanw edit to idio post opote kane refresh. ServerPack: Interlude Revision: 2041 Sources: svn://l2jfree.com/repo/l2j-free Compiled: 24/9/2007 http://rapidshare.com/files/57852061/L2JFree_IL2041.rar Source : RageZone Twra dn xerw an einai i teleftea ekdosi alla doulevei teleia.
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