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Everything posted by procrustis

  1. Link works great now. I dunno why it didn't work before.
  2. It does. Copy is Copy / Steal is Steal. According to the law it is. According to how we see it, it doesn't.
  3. Link doesn't work.
  4. Since i have seen many ppl geting confused about in-game macros, here are some based on each class. Rogue Hunter Paladin Warrior Druid Mage Priest Shamman Warlock Other
  5. Race : Humman Class : Treasure Hunter Servers : Mostly on High Time Buffing. Levels : (1-30) Playing real without bot. I just have some bot options opened, like HP Pots. Levels : (31-41) Botting at Death Pass until i reach lvl 41. Levels : (42-52) Botting under Cementary and at 50 lvls i change his place at Cementary inside. Levels : (53-61) Depends on server. If it is L2j with the << newbie >> mobs i go Lair Entrance. Otherwise Blazing Swamp. Levels : (61-70) Botting at Wall of Argos. Levels : (71-78-80) Hot Springs or Ketra Orc Outpost.
  6. C1 bnb...prin g@$%#$%%8ei o topos.
  7. Palikari...perna m 1 link tou server se PM. Tha ton koitaxw kai 8a s protinw ti na ftiaxeis gia na sfazeis agria. Pali kala sto L2 dn eimai toso noob :P BTW dn eisai geros...apla aftos einai 10xrono ;) Egw eimai 17 sta 18 k pragmatika xeromai otan sinadaw kapoion 30+ Dioti einai atoma p mporeis na miliseis k na kanete mia << sovari >> omilia. Tora peretero pragmata dn mporw na s pw ama dn pexw... Perna m to link k 8a to koitaxw...
  8. I will keep that in mind. I have seen here many guys wearing Slayer Armor. But...some of them...have dagger 1.90 speed or 1.30. The lower the better i think but...If i have a dagger with 1.90 and another with 1.30 which should i keep in main hand? I play Shadowstep specc atm cause i am newbie yet... Hmm...i don't have any other questions atm. Thnx for replying and thnx for your time.. If i will need something else...can i PM u? Thnx 4 your infos.
  9. Katarxin *Welcome to our Forum* Koitaxe file m Megaleon. O TH einai enas char pou stous perissoterous servers dn ton endiaferei poso p attack 8a bgalei. Edw einai i gnomi mou sxetika me to ti prp na exeis k ti oxi. Ayto vevea dn simenei pws einai k to swsto... 1st Dye: CON+4 STR-4 2nd Dye: DEX+4 STR-4 3rd Dye: CON+1 STR-1 Ean o server pou pezeis dn exei ta Dye +1-1 mporeis na ta kerdiseis apo to C3 Event me tis Catacombs. Ean exei klisei Cata...ftiaxe enan spoiler k pigene kane spoil ta mobs pou ta petane...(www.pmfun.com) Buffs : Berseker Spirit Kata tin gnomi m afto to buff dn axizei na to perneis. apla auxanei Casting Speed,Attack Speed,RunSpeed,P.Attack kai mewnei M.Def,P.Def kai Evasion se merikous servers. Tatoo : Tatoo Of Absolute Armor : DC Light (ean to Enchant einai panw apo +30) alliws Dragonic Accesories : Koitaxe ta Accesories file m gt merikoi GMs ftiaxnoun merika items pou dinoun << trela >> status ston char opos +2000 HP , +350 Def , +640 CP klp klp Aftin tin stigmi dn mporw na skeftw tpt alo gt exw xepagiasei apo to kryo :P Ean 8es tpt alo grapsto k 8a s apadisw se ligo.. BTW pes m poia class se xwnoun na s pw ti 8a kaneis Episis ean o server pou pezeis einai L2j i L2Off.
  10. Good Evening Everyone. I am new at this game and i would like to know some things. First of all...i have an Undead Rogue (horde ofc) If you were Rogue...what would you choose?And why? Does a Rogue considered to be a critical pvp char or not? If not...which character do you think would be the best? Furthermore, Which armor should i wear? (i know leather) I don't accually know their status/abilities etc. If somebody could tell me about this matter it would be really great. Please don't use imporer language such as "noob u don't know" and others. *Thnx for reading.*
  11. Accually....tell me something Mr.... Why didn't he hacked Maxtors acc or Warmasters?
  12. NOD32 detected Virus. I don't accually know if it is effected with one. If somebody could make a Scan it would be really great. I can't scan it 'cause i have Auto-Stoper for Viruses @ my NOD32.
  13. I don't think that i would buy S.G.Armor ...
  14. Poios o logos na einai stimeno?
  15. 22 kai gia afto peires 5 karma? eleos... oute o Yungie (pws legete dn peire toso). Anyway..have fun...
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