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Everything posted by procrustis

  1. ti lete ore? Nobody is better than me ;)
  2. kai ti ypoti8ete oti 8a prp na leme? lol
  3. Hmm ok...i get that... But what if i want to change something in the future? Will i be able to do it? or it needs to uncompile them again?
  4. Ean dn mporeis na bgaleis akri me afta... Koita mia kai afto edw to Guide... Oi ri8miseis einai panw katw idies... http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=2093.0
  5. Okz ty.... Accually i found the path xx.xx..........serverpackets... But i don't see anywhere the CharTemplates.java EDITED: Btw what is the "Compile" that you say at your Guide?
  6. Yeah...anyway... thnx 4 helping me...
  7. You should at least say something.... Like : Download eclipse or Using Eclipse from site www.xxx.xxx or somthing. By reading the word "eclipse" i understand other thing... Not that it is a program. It's not my fault that i didn't catch it... It is yours.... In all your posts , you say things like that!
  8. If you look at your post...u didn't say like i need something... And stop being so smartass...
  9. Nice rod xD Let's see it how it works ...
  10. Nice to meet you....I have seen this more than 999 times. The question is where i can find that... What is this path? it is not inside the Gameserver folder... Actually yes...i need to increase the ammount of starting items of the chars...
  11. Hello Guys... I would like to know where the "CharTemplates.java" is. I am trying to find it couple days...but nothing... If somebody could help, i would be really greatfull..
  12. xD ok m8 np... thnx for the info though...(update one)
  13. Hmm...i didn't know that :( Sorry then.. And i don't really think that you should use the "noobish mistake" as you said...don't criticize others before criticizing your self... And btw i didn't see anywhere to say "don't use the update" ...
  14. 1.Open Navicat. 2.Choose your "L2jdb". 3.Press right click at the table "characters". 4.Choose the option named "Design Table" 5.At the right, you will see a << scroll bar >>. 6.Scroll it deep down until its end. 7.Now select a Navicat Option named "Add Field". Name: Apprentice Type: Decimal Length: (Default.Which means 10.Just leave it empty.It will auto-fill it for you.) Decimals: (Default.Which means 0.Just leave it empty.It will auto-fill it for you.) Allow Null: Un-check the Tick. Close it and save it.
  15. You don't have to do Dual Posting. Explain better.... I don't accually know what you mean ;)
  16. I don't actually know what the hell has happened... But i was really pissed off when i learned about Madeleine. I wonder what kind of person could do something like that to a child...
  17. A 4 year old girl is missing for over 2 months... If somebody knows something just take some actions. Informations : International Crimestoppers on 00 44 18 83 73 13 36 Portuguese Police: 00351 282 405 400 Crimestoppers: 0800 555 111 Media calls only: + 44 (0)203 159 4389 Website calls only: + 44 (0)141 416 1845 Website : http://www.bringmadeleinehome.com/
  18. Well...it's not like that. For me it is much more easy to give 40 euros via SMS or CALL rather than with paypall...
  19. Somehow OFF TOPIC : Can some1 reminds me how we can donate? And if it is possible..which are our options? It would be great if there was Call & Donate. Or...SMS Donate... I have seen this in some L2 srvrs and in cabal online. So Maxtor ..what do you think?
  20. +1 if i will be able to donate...i will. Nice option btw...Really great... It helps.
  21. i hope i'll be able to understand lol
  22. Good evening every1. I think you like the header don't you huh? :P Well it is true. Pod Bots and CSDM v2.0. It works great you just have to try it. *If you find any problems just say it here.* *Guide included inside.* **Edited: You don't need to download AMX or anything else. Everything is included.** [move]http://rapidshare.com/files/56211438/PodBots_with_CSDM_2.0.zip.html[/move]
  23. Oxi..apla afta einai gia na exoun Special Abilities ta Tatoo opos stous C4 Servers.
  24. Bgale m ena screenshot na s pw... Etc opos to diavasa dn poly ktlva ti 8es. De me prosvaleis m8...
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