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Everything posted by PinGu

  1. Hmm , well then you will have to make one of your own ;p! I cant find another solution :)
  2. I am only able to find , Talking island , gludio , giran & dwarven. But i dont think that is usefull for you ?
  3. Hmmm , i will try to find one :)!
  4. I did a little searching for u :) Edit : It is for talking island SCRIPT FOR FIGHTERS LABEL(DELEVEL) /label to jump till the desired level is reached CHARSTATUS(LV,<=,20) /here you set the level you want to get { SAY(All Right) /message for you RETURN() /returns NULL EXIT() /ends the script } CHANGEWAITTYPE(1) /stands the char POSINRANGE(-84512,242679,-3728,600) /first possible position { MOVETO(-86156,241094,-3728) /move to the nearest door LABEL(NORTHWEST) /label to keep attacking while still alive CHARSTATUS(CHP,>,0) /check the char HP, while alive attaks { FORCEATTACK(Kenyos[iD=30045]) /attacks the Kenyos NPC (archer) DELAY(1000) JMP(NORTHWEST) /this jump keep the attack going till the char die } } POSINRANGE(-83944,243412,-3728,600) /second possible position { MOVETO(-82454,244880,-3728) /move to the nearest door LABEL(SOUTHEAST) /label to keep attacking while still alive CHARSTATUS(CHP,>,0) /check the char HP, while alive attaks { FORCEATTACK(Arnold[iD=30041]) /attacks the Arnold NPC (archer) DELAY(1000) JMP(SOUTHEAST) /this jump keep the attack going till the char die } } POSINRANGE(-83899,242743,-3728,550) /third possible position { MOVETO(-82375,241361,-3728) /move to the nearest door LABEL(NORTHEAST) /label to keep attacking while still alive CHARSTATUS(CHP,>,0) /check the char HP, while alive attaks { FORCEATTACK(Leon[iD=30040]) /attacks the Leon NPC (archer) DELAY(1000) JMP(NORTHEAST) /this jump keep the attack going till the char die } } POSINRANGE(-84612,243233,-3728,550) { MOVETO(-86222,244575,-3728) /move to the nearest door LABEL(SOUTHWEST) /label to keep attacking while still alive CHARSTATUS(CHP,>,0) /check the char HP, while alive attaks { FORCEATTACK(Chiperan[iD=30044]) /attacks the Chiperan NPC (archer) DELAY(1000) JMP(SOUTHWEST) /this jump keep the attack going till the char die } } DELAY(2000) /delay a little until the return text is displayed GOHOME() /return the char to the town JMP(DELEVEL) /jump to the Delevel label to keep going till it reaches the desired lvl SCRIPT FOR MAGES LABEL(DELEVEL) /label to jump till the desired level is reached CHARSTATUS(LV,<=,20) /here you set the level you want to get { SAY(All Right) /message for you RETURN() /returns NULL EXIT() /ends the script } CHANGEWAITTYPE(1) /stands the char POSINRANGE(-84512,242679,-3728,600) /first possible position { MOVETO(-86156,241094,-3728) /move to the nearest door LABEL(NORTHWEST) /label to keep attacking while still alive CHARSTATUS(CHP,>,0) /check the char HP, while alive attaks { USESKILL(WIND STRIKE[iD=1177],NPC,Kenyos) /attacks the Kenyos NPC (archer) DELAY(1000) JMP(NORTHWEST) /this jump keep the attack going till the char die } } POSINRANGE(-83944,243412,-3728,600) /second possible position { MOVETO(-82454,244880,-3728) /move to the nearest door LABEL(SOUTHEAST) /label to keep attacking while still alive CHARSTATUS(CHP,>,0) /check the char HP, while alive attaks { USESKILL(WIND STRIKE[iD=1177],NPC,Arnold) /attacks the Arnold NPC (archer) DELAY(1000) JMP(SOUTHEAST) /this jump keep the attack going till the char die } } POSINRANGE(-83899,242743,-3728,550) /third possible position { MOVETO(-82375,241361,-3728) /move to the nearest door LABEL(NORTHEAST) /label to keep attacking while still alive CHARSTATUS(CHP,>,0) /check the char HP, while alive attaks { USESKILL(WIND STRIKE[iD=1177],NPC,Leon) /attacks the Leon NPC (archer) DELAY(1000) JMP(NORTHEAST) /this jump keep the attack going till the char die } } POSINRANGE(-84612,243233,-3728,550) { MOVETO(-86222,244575,-3728) /move to the nearest door LABEL(SOUTHWEST) /label to keep attacking while still alive CHARSTATUS(CHP,>,0) /check the char HP, while alive attaks { USESKILL(WIND STRIKE[iD=1177],NPC,Chiperan) /attacks the Chiperan NPC (archer) DELAY(1000) JMP(SOUTHWEST) /this jump keep the attack going till the char die } } DELAY(2000) /delay a little until the return text is displayed GOHOME() /return the char to the town JMP(DELEVEL) /jump to the Delevel label to keep going till it reaches the desired lvl The mages script can be used with any meele also only change the skill name and ID so you can hit them faster at lower lvls. *credits go to Varacolaci from http://ltwo.insane-gamers.com
  5. Kamael sounds really awesome ! But i have to wait until my server goes to kamael , *sigh*!
  6. Great script , you gotto love scripts =p! Going to test it soon , kinda busy ATM.
  7. Well it was aloooooooooooooott , pking low lvls .. my bad =p! Didnt even cleared al karma it was kinda useless =p!
  8. People always fake there stats , but to be onest i aint interessted in other people =p!
  9. Wiggels , calabri work for me =D
  10. I aint gonna use this .. Play lineage2 because of its beautifull graphics. And i dont consider alot lag.
  11. L2g-oldskool DOESNT have bake-ice protection! I was able to use Ig walker ! So just try it and i am sure you will manage to fix it! I tryed to do the adena trick , but it didnt succeeded >.>
  12. I played silkroad but even with a bot it takes soooooooooooooooooo long , so i quited =D
  13. c3 & c4 where the best! Not al the UBER shit!
  14. Adventurer FTW! It is just between Gotto love it , got all extra's!!
  15. NECRO ; Curse gloom , and than spam spam spam! Or curse cloom silence slow etc.. and then spam =D
  16. + for pattack then you will have a killer frenzy (6)
  17. His work is very good! but i dont need to hire him .. =$.
  18. Yes , It DOESNT excist! There are only some scripts , but i think you have to search for it
  19. Cant wait to play this game , by i think i will still prefer l2 =D!
  20. Lineage2 is really getting better every year! Wont they over stop :|?!
  21. Hawk eye for sure , <3 snipe =D!!
  22. Its kinda small , cant read it :\
  23. Usefull information , helped me alot! Thnx!
  24. Good work , i can compare it really easy now :) Thnx!
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