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Everything posted by roket

  1. it works only for ppl who doesn't have limits of down speed , at me didn't worked cuz i have 300kb only limit , internal/external & &
  2. jeez dude i laught 10 mins =)))) and sadly is , all what you typed it's so facking familiar in all l2 servers :)
  3. 2016
  4. nice man , tks for share i play in a 7x and i really didn't understand how to make it :D tkssss
  5. well official it's ok for ppl who has time to play ... but i don't like because: 1.bots everywhere 2.some admins give you items for real $ I like becasue: 1.it's a challange to play there but as i said you need TONE of time if you don't use bots ... 2.it's nice to be at a siege with 500+ players maybe more ... p.s. i'm not playing on offic,summer almost end , school comming :D but i think next vacantion i'll be 3 months there :D
  6. wrong , PR = lamest ARCHER (bleah) SR(MS)=big speed/atk speed + GOOD critical rate ... (entagle skill make difference sometimes) HE=very good char for pvp/pve , you can carry tone of CP/qhp/shoots , big HP/cp , decently speed/atk speed :P
  7. the lamest way :) i don't understand players who are playing in 10000x srv and donate ... i mean : 1.You can easy make your sets +++++++ (max +) 2.You can donate ~100$ for full +++ sets and after 1-2 months srv wi'll close , so BB money 3.Where is the "zerg" when you meet players who didn't donate , but you have 31231231 atk speed / m atk / p def / m def and stuffs ...
  8. well if the pala has full buffs you have 0 chanche , if the pala has no-buffs , you have 0 chance , WHY ? easy : paladin lvl 80 without any buffs = 11k(cp+HP) , PP full buffs with let's say Acumen homu and a draco bow = ~3.5-4k MP . you can't hit so much / root / or whatever and to have mp :) my opinion :D
  9. 2001
  10. now i saw this video :D lol nice 1 :)
  11. roket

    PvP Videos

    nice pvp ... GZ them for 29 heroes ;-O
  12. nice continue :D it's funny when some1 has "creative" ideeas :D
  13. lol GZ man , i needed that C++ sites
  14. enchant bugs doesn't exist.it's 100% procent luck.many of you has different metodes to enchant ... but all are "illusions" :P
  15. yes geodata is fiexed on mostly l2 srv but you still can find some with srv with geodata bugged
  16. enchanting 1 weap till it's +16/broke , i don't make 2 enchants in that weapon in the same day , mostly i w8 24 h till +8 after 36-50h :P
  17. Adventurer i like most :D but also i like the critical on backstab form GH
  18. I like in mos up stairs at that bridge :D
  19. that is the best one :D anyway GZ keep up good working :)
  20. how can you don't get banned ?:-/ if i play a necro and i'm full OL buffed , the spectators wi'll see what buffs i'm using and wi'll make a SS ...
  21. it is working @ hellbound ? or it's just for interlude ?
  22. he just need to add clan lvl 9 and 10 stuffs and it's like in hellbound too ^ ^
  23. hmmmm why i can't see this photos ? it saying : Upgrade to pr0 today.Bandwith excessed.@photobucker :/
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