Greek_kosia , have you ever saw a shielen knight in oly ? I don't understand why some ppl wanna increase post count with stupid things.In oly , no1 is best cuz :
-SoulTaker vs fighters(if fighter gets Curse of Doom is BB player)
-SoulTaker vs nukers/halers/buffers(if they get Silence/curse of doom they are BB players)
All nukers vs all classes(if you have a critical you can hit for 5-9k so BB players in 3 hits :D)
All daggers vs all classes(if you get Bluff you are BB player , if not , you have a chance)
The list can't continue , all classes has a personal "trick" :P
In my opinion soultaker > all(except EE/bish , it's hard with bish/EE) if you know how to play :)