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Everything posted by MadUser

  1. i can help, but im not a very good Developer, here in MxC there are somes MUCH better then me, i cant even compare, but if i know i can help you, pm me or reply here with what you need ;D!
  2. btw my name on game is: MysteRy. Stefoulis i wana create a clan, but you will join server so, you create and i join can be? ;D MaxFamily will be nice ^^
  3. lol ok your right we wont discuss that here, was just an idea cuz you guys are the best and can keep toguether, but from what i seen here, you are almost all toguether! ;) and thats good! Ok so keep the topic updated and tell us when Gracia come suported! ^^ i have Hellbound too so... ^^ I will bring at least more 3 guys atm! Ps( i tryed to vote but says: Error: Server isnt in Hopezone.net yet, or isnt in the list.)
  4. Finaly He Comes Out!! Gj every1 i will join! and i will try to bring people! But guys i dont understand one thing, Here in MaxCheaters We have All the Best Developers, Modders, and guys who knows All about that stuff, why you guys dont get all toguether and make One server! like L2MaxCheaters ^^ , i think that will be the best private server, And in few days You will have a LARGE community! guys MaxCheaters Have more then 2k members and if here there is donators, in server will be too, and keep server Alive... i think that is a good Idea, Please you Pro Developers Think About it and im talking to: ( TheMental, LightMagik, CriticalError, NitrousSystem, K4rm4Arrows, Mafia........) You guys are good and you know, why dont you get togueter and make one simple server! if you do i will join!! L2Desire Staff : Admin/Owner : TheMentaL HGM : AlucarD (knows as Nitrous System) Developer : Mafia_007 Client modder: Critical error OMG what a Team!! GoGo TheMental Kick Some Asses! P.S( Server suports Gracia Client? can i login with Gracia?)
  5. I played on Infinite L2 and server is very good... http://l2pt.pt.to -> x15, No lag.... Suports gracia too http://www.tehgamers.com/ -> x7 ; x35 ; x5000 Good server, have Gracia Suport Too at least i know that 2 good servers... btw im playing on L2pt! name: swicyda + playwithblades + SweetBuffas + Barriguitas i have gracia a i play there good! have fun!
  6. you dont need to, you just login has GM, chose a mob and target mob and do this: Shift + Click show drop list [and you edit] Advice: Erase All Mats and adena too, then made Add Categori and you make ID: 57 (i think) Max: (put the max you want to be) Min: (put the min) Spoil....: -2 or -1 or 0, or every1 make dwarfs to spoil more adena Sucess: (insert from 0 to 100000000) Problem solved... good luck
  7. AHAHAHA A-style the Baby panda! its funny! xD Ouch! gqSOvUH_njE&e ZP-n3E43M3Y
  8. Realy nice Guide thanks, but i have some questions... you guys may know.... so the first one is: After we have a PayPal Acc how we earn money if we dont put any Credit Card or Bank? and the second is: [imagine that we already have money, a friend sended to me xDD] How we take that money for us? like how we use them? Reply Asap please ;D Oh and i have tryed and: # Address Line 1: Please enter a valid Address Line 1. # Home Telephone: Please enter a valid phone number. i will need to Invet a phone number! =s!
  9. if this is real CT2.0 Gracia Server pack is a realy good found! Gj... i think i will try to test, but not now, but as soon has i can i will test and develop something and try on Hellbound Npcs to check compability! i will give notices.... Thanks and good job!
  10. -.-' this is on Admin panel too, Item. that isnt the aswer i need, i need so kind of command or something to give to all players on-line a reward.... yeah i think that is a Action by Elanye or something like that, thanks btw...
  11. i Advice it to all Photoshopers Here! Its briliant! http://www.photoshoptopsecret.com/
  12. you guys think i should hide it? but dont work in 80% of servers... i hide or not?
  13. ok thanks for the information, i never wait xD... but GamersHell still being more faster, so guys can chose or Fileplanet or GamersHell, and i prefer GamersHell, you can puted The 2 links on your post but ok... oh and good seeing time, i was wenting to Lineage2.com seeing when i can download files but you were faster then me ^^ GJ!
  14. In fileplanet you need to subscribe to Download (you have to pay) so i prefer GamersHell. Guys Here is the Download Link for Gracia Client *for Free* http://www.gamershell.com/download_29462.shtml Enjoy it! Btw: L2 Tehgamers has Gracia Client Suport ( that means you can play there with gracia client ;D)
  15. millionaire - Europe
  16. i guess she took "when you gotta go, you gotta go" a little too serious lol The woman is shiting on the street !! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HnVrjmESKOM&hl=en&fs=1
  17. IceTalker = 10 times reply on same Shit post! Some1 lock this topic please, Everyone is spaming here! IceTalker Started and Maked 10 replys here! im just requesting or delete topic, or lock it, or punish (warn) Ice talker! http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=30719.msg206650#msg206650 ->1 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=30719.msg207528#msg207528 ->2 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=30719.msg207562#msg207562 ->3 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=30719.msg207583#msg207583 ->4 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=30719.msg207952#msg207952 ->5 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=30719.msg207981#msg207981 ->6 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=30719.msg208090#msg208090 ->7 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=30719.msg208121#msg208121 ->8 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=30719.msg208596#msg208596 ->9 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=30719.msg208743#msg208743 ->10 Oh and on this post he replyed Again 8 Times! what this guy think? no1 will notice! http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=30821.msg208061#msg208061 Some1 warn or punish IceTalker!
  18. -.-' YES! prophet have sleep! AND Guys STOP posting on topic!! you just make more Spam! Some global moderator please lock the topic! or this dont stop! everytime i enter on Home page i see this topic always at first place in General Discussion, like that i cant see the news! ( me = everyone) Stop posting Here! some one lock him please!
  19. are you guys playing Here? -Vote guys! lets make comunity Larger!!- I cant Login! appears that The Kamael Image, with a character and when comes to login page ( Always give me Critical Error: 2008.8.13 OS : CPU : Video : PosCode : General protection fault! History: FL2GameData::GameTipDataLoad <- FL2GameData::Load <- UGameEngine::Init <- InitEngine does any1 knows what i must do? i Already unistaled Lineage II, instaled again and instaled patch again, but same error... what i must do?
  20. Well i done this and worked so... you go to a GM shop, click to buy Enchant Weapon S, it will open a window to you insert the numbers of how many you want to buy... and you put this number: 249,972 give OK to the number (will give you a number impossible to get) DONT Confirm your buying, just give OK to the number of enchants no to the buy! Click again twice and buy again the same number, the number will turn into 0, you will have aproximadly 300kk on bag, if you sell the enchants you will be millionary ^^! and without spending anything to buy them! you can do this everytime you want! For me always worked, and dont cost nothing to try ^^! Go For it
  21. Next time use search... Here is a Pré-configurated Server pack for Interlude Faction server, inside of the rar file you have a Guide for newbies: http://rapidshare.com/files/136494720/EzEraL_gve_Interlude.rar.html good luck! and for the next time use search before post!
  22. This guy is for little time on server, had 32 posts and is replying everywhere: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=7128.msg208680#msg208680 can i make a opinion there are some topics in General Discussion -> prophet, Best olympiad char and some more posts like that who are brilliant to spam, and noobs know that, when some1 come to MxC with half an hour all of that post come up, cuz they see them and reply just more spam, if some1 make a good post, dont have much atention beacuz of that noobs... =S you guys can lock those topics after a while.... see what i mean: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=27182.msg208704#msg208704 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=30719.msg208703#msg208703 its just my opinion, i think that who post i general discussion dont have much atention, if topic were good..... OH and here is a 4-poster, replyed 4 times in same post: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=30719.msg207549#msg207549 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=30719.msg207564#msg207564 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=30719.msg208075#msg208075 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=30719.msg208703#msg208703 everytime he says a diferent answer, in How to kill a tanker, and in the last one he askes the server rates and chronicle xD! Some one stop that guy please ...
  23. Ooh! you writed in Portuguese before ^^ hehe thanks... ( i know may be wasnt your falt xD) Btw i just want to warn you guys, cant be, but some time ago i had a program more or less like that but, was a Fu***** program! we put the Server, the server port, the Acc and the password and puff nothing.... But, from what i knowed, that sended my password and my ID to the guy who created the program... so becarful! some1 already tested? works?
  24. L81 Passive Skills - All classes sProtection of Rune - when attacked by magic, there is a chance of a short lived buff being given to the player that will significantly increase MDEF. Protection of Elements - when attacked by an elementally aligned damage source, there is a chance of a short lived buff being given to the player that will significantly increase all natural element resistances by +40. Protection of Alignment - when attacked by a divine/unholy aligned damage source, there is a chance of a short lived buff being given to the player that will significantly increase all divine/unholy element resistances by +40. L81 Skills - by class arch-type Duelist, Titan, Grand Khavatari, Dreadnought, Maestro, Fortune Seeker Fighters Will (passive) - when a warrior class attacks there is a high probability that a buff will be given increasing their PATK will increase by 15% and their PATKSPD will increase by 10% for 10 seconds. Sagittarius, Ghost Sentinel, Moonlight Sentinel Archers Will (passive) - when a archer class attacks there is a high probability that a buff will be given increasing their range and accuracy for 10 seconds. Hell Knight, Phoenix Knight, Shillien Templar, Eva's Templar Anti-Magic Armor (active) - when a tank class activates this skill their MDEF increases dramatically. Adventurer, Ghost Hunter, Wind Rider Sixth Sense (passive) - When Health drops below 30% evasion increases. Expose Weakness (passive) - When you attack a target at a certain probability the target is debuffed reducing pdef and increasing rate at which they receive critical hits. Arcana Lord, Elemental Master, Spectral Master Servitor Barrier (Active) - The target servitor becomes invulnerable for a short time, consumes 5 spirit ore. Absolute Loyalty (Active) - When the servitors master takes damage at a certain probability the servitors battle efficiency dramatically increases. Servitor Chain (Active) - When the servitors master is in a combat state the servitor will heal its masters HP and MP at a certain probability. L81 Skills - by specific class Hell Knight Seed of Revenge (active) - buff's the hell knight with a seed that increases in level as one takes damage. As the seed increases in level the hell knights attack power and critical rate increases. Insanity Blaster (active) - consume a level 3 seed of revenge buff to perform an shield bypassing/overhit area attack with power 9014. Hell Roar (active) - inflicts a debuff to enemies adjacent to the hell knight which lowers their debuff resistance and causes them to become feared. Phoenix Knight Spirit of the Phoenix (active) - buffs the Phoenix Knight with a seed that increases in level as one takes damage. As the seed increases in level the Phoenix Knights physical defense power and fire resistance increases. Flame Icon (active) - consume a level 3 Spirit of the Phoenix buff to dramatically increase the physical attack speed, run speed and critical rate (Critical Power if using a blunt) of the party. Healing effectiveness is reduced on players with Flame Icon on them until the buff wears off. Eva's Templar Eva's Will (active) - buffs the Templar with a seed that increases in level as one takes damage. As the seed increases in level the Templar's MDEF, Critical rate and water defense increase. Touch of Eva (active) - consumes a level 3 Eva's Will buff to dramatically restore the health of the party and instill a buff that further heals the party over time, removes debuffs and gives debuff resistance while Touch of Eva is in effect. Shillien's Templar Pain of Shillien (active) - buffs the Templar with a seed that increases in level as one takes damage. As the seed increases in level the Templar's weapon becomes imbued with Wind Attribute of high proportion and gains a natural vampiric rage. Touch of Shillien (active) - consumes a level 3 Pain of Shillien buff to perform an area attack to enemies adjacent to the Templar. The attack dismisses 90% of the affected enemies CP and has a chance to inflict a debuff which also lowers their maximum CP by 90%. In addition any enemy affected by this debuff has its resistance to debuffs reduced and incoming heals effectiveness is reduced. Adventurer Exciting Adventure (passive) - increase run speed, evasion rate, mortal blow rate, and at a low probability evade physical skills. Ghost Hunter Ghost Walking (passive) - increase run speed, evasion rate, mortal blow rate, and at a low probability evade physical skills. Wind Rider Wind Riding (passive) - increase run speed, evasion rate, mortal blow rate, and at a low probability evade physical skills. Sagittarius Flame Hawk (active) - Power 5750 fire attribute, this skill has extended range and can OverHit. Moonlight Sentinel Arrow Rain (active) - Power 5750 water attribute, this skill has extended range and can OverHit. Ghost Sentinel Shadow Thorn (active) - Power 6037 non attribute damage, this skill has extended range, can OverHit and can Lethal Strike. Dreadnought Dread Pull (active) - Cause all enemies in a wide area around the Dreadnought to become crippled and feared. Duelist Weapon Barrier (active) - debuffs the target with a disarm effect extended peroid. The target will be unable to re-equip any weapon while the debuff is active. Can only use Weapon Barrier with dual swords equipped. Grand Khavatari Force of Destruction (active) - Power 2516 energy attack, requires 2 charges and can lethal strike. Titan Demolition Impact (active) - attack an enemy which sends an area attack towards them. All enemies in the path take 5750 power, this skill can critical for double damage. This skill can only be used with a 2h Blunt or 2h sword. Maestro Golem Armor (active) - Transformational skill that provides the following four skills: Area Cancel (All enemies adjacent to the Maestro lose 5 buffs), Area Stun (All enemies adjacent to the Maestro enter a state of shock and lose target, Area Power Smash (All enemies adjacent to the Maestro take physical damage), Golem Fuel (The Maestro's combat abilities are temporarily increased). Archmage Flame Armor (Active) - Increase fire defense on the caster and inflicts fire damage to adjacent enemies when the caster takes damage. Mystic Muse Frost Armor (Active) - increase water defense on the caster and inflicts a run speed debuff to adjacent enemies when the caster takes damage. Storm Screamer Storm Armor (Active) - increase wind defense on the caster and inflict a attack speed debuf to adjacent enemies when the caster takes damage. Necromancer Vampiric Mist (Active) - create an area effect that pulses every few seconds dealing 117 power drain to enemies in the area recovering the necromancer. Cardinal Martyr's Sacrifice (Active) - the caster instantly dies and the party gains invulnerability for a short time. Eva's Saint Eva's Blessing (Active) - Recovers HP and MP on the target and at a certain probability removes debuffs. Shillien's Saint Blessing of Vampires (Active) - this buff causes the targets melee attacks to apply an instant health drain effect to all enemies they strike. Thorn Root (Active) - instantly root a target and all adjacent enemies to that target, while rooted the enemies lose health over time. Dominator Seal of Limit (Active) - debuffs all adjacent enemies to the caster preventing the recovery of HP/CP and MP. Trickster Wild Fire (Active) - Power 5750 non attribute damage, this skill has extended range, can OverHit and can Lethal Strike. Consumes 2 Souls. Soul Breaker Lightning Flash - enemies adjacent to the target become paralyzed. Consumes 2 souls. Source: L2 media
  25. First of All this is a feature from kamael, this can be done even in Official server, its from the Game, this isnt a exploit, so lets do it: these skills that you`ll obtain via leveling subclasses are usable only for the main class. There are lots of options so chosing the right configuration for your class is more complicated and implies a more complex thinking. Learning Abilities: It was mentioned before: - Subclass lvl 65: Main class can obtain a passive that increases atk/defensive strength - Subclass lvl 70: Main class can obtain a passive that increases atk/defensive strength - Subclass lvl 75: Main class obtains a skill , choice depends on subclass class-type. - Subclass lvl 80: Main class obtains a transformation, transformation type depends on subclass class-type. Application/Learning the skills: Each subclass can apply for the skills 4 times, 3 subclasses have a total of 12 skills, after application you will obtain a subclass skill book (untradable), you can then learn the skills on your main class accordingly. NOTES 1) "Applying for skills" will determine the skills you get according to class-type (of subclass), "learning skills" will allow you to choose from that list. 2) "Applying for skills" cannot be changed or reverted (note: this means that once you've applied for the skill on subclass that's it... no more changing the class-type... for this particular subclass anyway), "learning skills" can be undone/relearnt (note: you can re-choose the skills, but only within the allowed skills set by your subclass's class-type) If you have 3 subclasses it means you can apply for skills 12 times, after application, for example if my second subclass is a knight, level to lvl 75 and apply for skill, then I've chosen a knight-type application for skill and obtain a knight-type skill book, using this book you can learn a knight-type subclass skill, if you do not like the skill you've chosen you can unlearn the skill and choose from another skill from the knight-type skill list, but your "second lvl 75 subclass skill" is now set for knight-type skills, even if you remove the subclass you cannot apply for another set of skills (note: so if you removed the knight subclass and get a new subclass to lvl75, you won't be allowed to apply for skill again, although your main class can still learn and relearn the knight-type subclass skills) Class types: Subclasses are divided into 7 groups, the group also determines the type of transformation the main will get Warrior: Gladiator, Warlord, Warsmith, Bounty Hunter, Destroyer, Tyrant, Soul Breaker, Berserker Rogue: Silver Ranger, Phantom Ranger, Hawkeye, Plains Walker, Abyss Walker, Treasure Hunter, Arbalester Knight: Temple Knight, Shillien Knight, Paladin, Dark Avenger Summoner: Elemental Summoner, Phantom Summoner, Warlock Wizard: Spellsinger, Spellhowler, Sorcerer, Necromancer Healer: Bishop, Elven Elder, Shillien Elder Enchanter: Prophet, Warcrier, Overlord, Sword Singer, Bladedancer Lvl 65, 70: The skills you can learn at these 2 levels are the same, only 4 skills are available, you can choose the same skill at both levels the effects stack, you can even learn the same skill on other subclasses, potentially making a skill learnable for 6 times. Increase Patk: Tested with lvl 81 character base patk 937 lvl 1 - +22 lvl 2 - +20 lvl 3 - +18 lvl 4 - +15 lvl 5 - +14 lvl 6 - +10 Increase Matk: Tested with lvl 81 character base matk 1708 lvl 1 - +11 lvl 2 - +9 lvl 3 - +9 lvl 4 - +8 lvl 5 - +6 lvl 6 - +5 Increase Pdef: Tested with lvl 81 character base pdef 780 lvl 1 - +9 lvl 2 - +9 lvl 3 - +8 lvl 4 - +9 lvl 5 - +9 lvl 6 - +9 Increase Mdef: Tested with lvl 81 character base mdef 918 lvl 1 - +15 lvl 2 - +15 lvl 3 - +15 lvl 4 - +16 lvl 5 - +18 lvl 6 - +12 Lvl 75: There are many skills available at this level, regardless of whether the skill is a common skill or a class specific one, you can only choose *one* lvl 75 skill, with 3 subclasses you can choose 3 in total. Common skills: - Increase patk - Increase Pdef - Increase Matk - Increase Mdef - Increase Critical Rate - Increase casting speed Enchanter: - Counter Celestial: Chance of getting a 10s celestial shield when under attack - Increase MP: Increase max MP - Increase MP regen Wizard: - Resist magic: Increase chance to resist magic (works against normal nukes too) - Increase Recharge rate: Increase amount of MP recharged by recharge skill - Chance MP steal: Chance of MP being recovered when attacking Warrior: - Increase CP - Chance Haste: Chance of increasing attack speed when attacking - Resistance: Increase resistance against paralyse, root, sleep, trance, cancel...etc (i.e. debuffs) Summoner: - Counter .... : slightly increases patk, matk and casting speed - Increase HP/MP: increase max hp and mp - Resist elements: increase resistance against elemental attacks Knight: - Counter defense: Chance of increasing pdef/mdef when under attack - Increase HP: Increase max HP - Resist critical damage Healer: - Divine Protection: Increase resistance against holy and dark attacks - Counter Heal: Chance of healing yourself when under attack - Prayer: Increase HP recovered from heals (on self) Rouge: - Increase evasion - Chance critical: Chance of increasing critical rate when attacking a target - Long shot: increase bow attack range Lvl 80 Divine transformations The transformation type is determined by the subclass. If all 3 subclasses are different class-types you get 3 different types of transformations; but if you have a same-type subclass, you can *level up* the transformation, up to level 3 (because there are 3 max subclasses). Skill cancellation: If a player dislikes the skill chosen, the player can remove the skill for a fee of 10,000,000 You can only redeem a new skill not the new skill book, so if you had a knight-type skill book, after removing a knight skill you can only choose a knight skill after that. SOURCE: http://lineage2.gametsg.com/index.ph...articleid=3634
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