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About haterade

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  1. funny how only 3 people seem to complaing about a bugged char and bugged server while it continues to grow. Loosk like to all it is QQ from some players that didnt get what they wanted. infinity (dr. house) i checked post in forums and looks like what they said was true you tried to blakmail server for GM status and failed. And bishop complains about bugs that he supposedly exploited himself yet he leaves server? GG HF and GTFO server doesnt need players like you. *forgot snelka - check what sever you play on as there are no certs here. seems to me that if that was the case with over 250 online and growing more would notice.. hummm Server is well balanced and now that your gone noob free.
  2. Good luck with server bro looks good from the little time i was there.
  3. like the way you just tried to avoid the fact that you tried to trade bug in for GM. You credability sucks dr. House One of the better servers I have played on. Set up is great and community is good too, always going to be a group of haters out there that want GM status or smthing. I have not seen any corruption or anything. 300+ and growing is proof!
  4. Thx works well.. i do have issue when i shit+click > Edit > add pvp/pk count it shows edit dialog in players client.. //admin command works fine
  5. Good server.. I just joined server and has many events and is not bad for new players at all
  6. Hello everyone! this is a great community and I hope to learn a lot and hopefully be able to contribute some as well. looking forward to learning from you all. see you all on the boards!
  7. naa this didnt work for me.. think it actually jacked up my machine..
  8. I like funny movies owen wilson, ben stiller movies are the best Wedding crashers
  9. Cod rocks! i think that the action is better and faster paced
  10. wow what a huge list anyone know of any new ones coming out. I heard a new warhammer was in beta.
  11. My little dwarf rocks.. tons of hp
  12. Cliff Burton was a bass god no doubt and one of the origonial member of Metallica R.I.P Cliff. Anyway I see people talking about Trujillo but imo the one that help create the bad outsided of cliff was Jason Newsted. ROCK ON JASON!
  13. anyone play DOD here? its an awesome game!
  14. welcome still havent figured out the post thing .. good luck
  15. Great forum! Thanks! ;D
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