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Everything posted by rej222

  1. lol bban u can talk... but yeh u must do it like that..
  2. myself::IncrementParam( talker, @PARAM_EXP, -300000 ); thats more correct =)
  3. yes i understand. your problem is the greek language... maybe if it was english i could help...
  4. they don't ingore u they replay really fast.
  5. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=148292.new#new
  6. I didn't share the HTML's nor scripts just NASC code. Have fun! NASC //********************************************* //Code by Rey for Maxcheaters.com //2010-5-20 //********************************************* class 1 noble_maker : citizen { handler: EventHandler TALKED(talker){ myself::ShowPage(talker,"your_htm.htm"); } EventHandler MENU_SELECTED(talker,ask,reply) { if(ask == 541 && reply == 1 ) { if(talker.level >= 75 && talker.subjob_id != 0) { myself::GiveItem1(talker, @nobless_tiara ,1); myself::SetNobless(talker); myself::ShowPage(talker,"noble_success_your_htm.htm"); myself::SoundEffect(talker,"ItemSound.quest_finish"); } else { myself::ShowPage(talker,"nobless_no_your_htm.htm"); } } if(ask == 541 && reply == 2) { if(talker.level>75 && talker.subjob_id == 0) { myself::GiveItem1(talker, @mimirs_elixir, 1); myself::SetOneTimeQuestFlag( talker, @water_of_mimir, 1 ); myself::SoundEffect( talker, "ItemSound.quest_finish" ); myself::ShowPage(talker,"subclass_success_your_htm.htm"); } else { myself::ShowPage(talker,"subclass_no_your_htm.htm"); } } } } If you like it give a nice comment and karma :)
  7. what scripts are u even useing? Dvamp Nextdev? btw stupid thing :D everyone can do scripts...
  8. I can share the AI if u want...
  9. just make a npc that gives u nobless it takes 3 min...
  10. just put the AI in the ai file ( open it with notepad )... and put the correct AI and HTML to the npc in the npcdata.txt
  11. Really good share :)! I will put some IL/HB stuff from dvamp as well.
  12. Everybody is welcome. Well everyone is able to work with scripts!
  13. After few months of inactivity I had a pretty nice idea of starting our own Maxcheaters community project, based on Hellbound or Gracia Client. With our own SVN. If we get enough coders we can also make our own extender if not we can update & upgrade smeli's extender. If there won't be enough coders we can also work on Vampires scripts (Hellbound). This is not for me or my friends this would be for all people that participate in the project, since out there are a lot of sellers & resellers. Well leave your opinion and we will see what can we do. Also write if you are interested in the project write me a PM with your skills. Regards, Rey
  14. Do you know how its properly cracked? 1st You generate a key for your PC with ur HWID 2nd You enter a standard dvampire key Ofc there is the other solution dvampires key generator, some people have it buy they wont share :P
  15. do u guys really think u can crack and Armadrillo protection like this?
  16. I sell perfect Interlude/ hellbound scripts/HTML/geodata on a reasonable price. Interlude: Dvampire only ( all are latest edition's fixed by me) Hellbound: NextDev and Dvampire ( all are latest edition's fixed by me) If you wish to buy contact me via PM on maxcheaters. Regards, Rey
  17. Its just a buggy dvampire extender :) which you will need to buy a key for it :D!
  18. :O In poor words you can modify AI so you can make lets say your own buffer from scrap!
  19. leeroy is just a sad kid :) corruption corruption.. Even if you go play on retail... you will see somebody with a bow +4... emo quit cause of corruption ha?
  20. I'm selling Interlude client. But for you i have a special deal I will sell you Gracia Final client ( Stolen from NcSoft )!!!
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