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vampir last won the day on June 12 2024

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  1. You can contact me on skype: niedziolek50
  2. Yes, the files are still available for sale.
  3. That's not true. Long time ago I made a test, in which I spawned few thousand NPCs, that didn't have random animation, movement or any other trigger for sending packet except for initial NpcInfo. Client was very, very slow in rendering them, but even after few minutes you can notice that it will settle with limited amount of NPCs that are rendered. When you move around in such environment, NPCs far away will be deleted, while those closer to you will be rendered. This happens without any NpcInfo packets being sent, so client stores them in memory even though they are not shown. I can't say what exactly is the problem, but for sure it's not easy to fix.
  4. That's not true. Official servers used real online count in those packets, so it was a reliable source of online count information. Adrenaline is also perfectly capable of finding out how many characters are present in Giran or any other region, so it was easy to find out how many people attend gatherings. Fake online characters would be counted in such case too, but we never used them on tales.
  5. I think when I joined the team couple of years ago and L2 was very popular, tales had about 3,5-4k on weekends. I had to do some Network IO optimizations, because MMOExecutableQueue had a bottleneck. For sure it's possible to optimize server to handle twice that load if you can debug problems as they occur, especially now when dedicated servers are far more powerful. The real problem is game client, which even on latest version is very slow to load visible creatures and display their actions. Population of tales was slowly decreasing with each edition, so this problem became less relevant.
  6. 1. I guess I prefer to stick with just a technical parts and that's how it comes out. 2. The only reason is that some old libraries or parts of the source would be incompatible. For years I was focusing on adding new features instead of properly maintaining the files, so now it has many remnants of the past.
  7. It would be quite easy to open server on this files without any technical knowledge. You would need to: Order dedicated server like Rise-1 from OVH Buy 1 or more failover IPs, which should be provided to the users to connect instead of machine ip Install Java 8 Install MySQL, create empty database in it, then paste all SQL files provided with source code Paste files on the machine Change IP that users should connect to in the configs Change name of the mysql database and password in the configs Buy Smart Guard Copy Smart Guard files to provided patch Change Smart Guard IP to IP that users should connect to Connect to the server Assign Game Master to yourself in server configs Change name from Tales to YourServerName in configs + client dat files Order graphics from a designer Replace graphics in game client or pay someone 50e to do it Change prices in the in-game store to whatever you like Make PayPal and link it with game server so donation rewards can be sent automatically Pay someone to make a website for you Advertise Decide about your features Apply those features to configs Decide beta + opening dates Set few special configs just for beta Share patch on your website and make server not gm-only Make some events on beta Close Beta Make wipe by replacing MySQL tables with their initial form Turn off beta configs Get DDOS protection - we were buying from pro-managed.com Launch server When server is online, there aren't many things to take care of. If you don't want to add new features, then mostly it's just changing configs to include new things in the shop.
  8. I am have been the only L2Tales developer for years and since we have split ways with Vasilis and we are not going to open servers anymore, I would like to sell latest version of the pack. Last server was launched in 2020 and I am selling source code with all files required to launch a similar server. You can check all features from L2Tales Final in webarchive, unfortunately I don't have rights to the website, facebook, discord or anything other than the files. Price is 400 euro, which doesn't seem much considering how much server used to make. If you wish to buy it, contact me on skype: niedziolek50
  9. "goto" keyword doesn't exist in java. From the looks of it, _L0 is a label. https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/g-fact-64/
  10. How does yours look? Did you replace "Icon.itemxxx?
  11. It's because of server rates. When chance * drop rate reaches higher than 100%, amount is increased.
  12. It's not really possible to say, while content of L2Npc.java is unknown.
  13. Yes you will need to make server side modifications, since HP, CP & MP of enemies are not known by game client. I think the only thing you need to do, is send ExOlympiadUserInfo to the opponent.
  14. Update from Unreal Engine 4 to Unreal Engine 5 was announced by Epic Games to be easy and won't take as much time as transition from previous engine versions.
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