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Everything posted by 2Fast

  1. if somebody is newbie and have alot of pvps, he must be super newbie cause everybody knows that he farm pvp with some of retarded ways ...
  2. give ss for prove or video please.
  3. maybe make video ?
  4. hmn, hidding it from normal ppl eyes is lame imho cause everybody can easly google it ;P but anyway Simple tutorial
  5. or reinstall game imho ;p
  6. Titan i think in C6 ;p ( was years ago ;[ )
  7. just use some macro recorders :>
  8. in this time you can find a lot of soft for pots use, not only l2control etc, just search ;]
  9. Can u dont spam ? If u can't answer to my question > go away
  10. Hi everybody! I'm looking for pvp server (300x +++ ) where exploit with dupe goldbars works, post here or pm me.
  11. i saw better forum template ;p
  12. Jail i think xDDDDDDDDDD
  13. old crest but anyway i use 1 of them for my clan/ally ;p
  14. Donate re for lams which can't be pro without this, fuck you all donate kids, emo lams !
  15. Nah, try Americas Army :P
  16. o.O xD invisible items re old method in servers with lazy admins which can't creat good protection :P Anyway on topic, if u use walker just setup "do not pick up [id] or [name]", if server use autopickup just setup auto delete stack or something; for L2net jus kinda same, auto delete stack or don't pickup ;p
  17. try another ( newest ) version ?
  18. Just read some topic in this forum how to connect with l2net to private servers, it's kinda easy to do this itself :P
  19. what king of bot u use ?
  20. Poland version xD ? Buaha xD it looks so lame :P But anyway to author > Niezla robota xD
  21. jus add to script delete syntax ;p
  22. 1st game :D i dont renember, i was... 6-7 years xD Commodore ftw ;p
  23. Maybe not all :P Underground series was epic imho for me, after U2 all series were worst ;p
  24. Where u read this ?
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