Here u are IG Walker for RPG CLUB !
What we must do:
Download Oracles walker with moded system files ( some antyviruses will show some shits > i trust oracle, u? USE IT ON OWN RISK!!!)
Next :
Delete rpg clubs system ( or just reneme it to "systemRPGorginal" or like u want :])
Don't start up L2 with the rpg loader !
Unrar downloaded system to ur L2 directory then start L2Walker and setup it to L2.exe ( make patch )
After start, before login change in POLICY settings "When target is in xxxx to melee / Near up to 50000 Why ? Cause in other way your char will not atack mobs.
(screenshot from Epvpers)
If u want Gitlir here u go, credits going to you m8.
PS I don't know, hide this ?