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  1. i cant open with l2 editor
  2. Hello i want pay 10$ for any dev decrypt for me 3 files, itenname, armogrp, weapongrp. pm pls
  3. https://www.l2electus.com/ General Information Basic Information Experience Rates: x500 SP Rates: x500 Adena: x 50 Party Exp: x 1.0 Party SP: X 1.0 Enchant Rates Safe +6 Normal Enchant Scrolls for +12 (Rate 100%) Blessed Enchant Scrolls for +16 (Rate 50, 40, 30, 20%) Crystal Enchant Scrolls for +20 (Rate 50%, Fail Reset +16) Golden Enchant Scrolls for +20 (Rate 100%) Augmentation Rates Top grade life stone lvl 76 10% General Information Maximun Clan Slot: 100 No Alliance PC Bang Reward Clan Ranking Reward all Sunday Auto Loot Buff Slots 32+4 Subclass & Class Change Free Retail Olympiads Sieges in 5 Castle Skills & classes based on retail l2off balance Flawless Geodata & Pathnodes Max subclasses 3 Frezzing System Weekend zone with boosted drops Party Zone 3 time per day Olympiad Games Retail like (with some custom restrictions) Epic Boss zones are Chaotic Unique Gameplay Many more features! Custom Features & Information 1V1, 2V2, 5V5 & 9V9 Automated Tournament 5V5 Tournament Informations: 5v5 You form your 5v5 before the games starts or you match up alone. Matching up alone works only on 5v5. You need a a team of 5 players to match up as a team. 9v9 You need a team of 9 Players You register at npc for the next game. No Res skills/scrolls Tournament informations: Every player has his own Tournament Points, you can exchange these points at the for varius rewards on the GM shop. The team with the most wins in the end of the week will be announced as the Winner of the Season. TvT 8 event per day Puzzle Event Collect 8 Figure and change for reward Market Trade For buy and sell items Electus Custom Bosses 3 Bosses in Ketra (Hekaton, Tayr, Brakki) 6 hours respawn time. 3 Bosses in Varka (Shadith, Horus, Mos) 6 hours respawn time. 1 Bosses in FoG Lower (Ember) 6 hours respawn time. 1 Bosses in Nest (Shyed) 6 hours respawn time. Grand Bosses You need Quest items retail like in order to go inside on the Epic Bosses(Quest items can be found for free in GM SHOP) Static respawn times. Valakas spawns Sunday 21:00 GMT -3 (You cant re-enter inside after Valakas awaken) Antharas spawns Monday 21:00 GMT -3 (You cant re-enter (inside after Antharas awaken) Baium spawns Tuesday 21:00 GMT-3 (You cant re-enter inside after Baium Awaken) Queen Ant spawns Wednesday 21:00 GMT -3 Orfen spawns Thursday 21:00 GMT -3 Queen Ant spawns Friday 21:00 GMT -3 Custom Noblesse System The party that will last hit the boss Barakiel (3 hours respawn time) will automatically gain noblesse status. You can also trade 50 PC Bang in GM Shop to gain noblesse status. Olympiads Olympiad period 7 Days(1 week) Heroes will be given automatically at 12:00 GMT -3 on every Monday. Olympiads arenas retail like. - Class-based games are disabled to avoid feeding. - The rankings update every 5 minutes when the Olympiad runs (the manager announces it every time they update). - The games are announced by the manager before they begin. - Maximum enchant in the Olympiad is +6, which means if your items are higher that +6 they will be modified to +6 for the match and when its over the modifications will be reverted. - The class balance in olympiad is untouched to ensure retail battles. The Olympiad begins every day at 18:00 and ends at 00:00 AM (GMT-3). In game Commands: .menu .raidinfo and much more!!! https://www.l2electus.com/
  4. lf any dev for remove hp bar in interface or fix for work, chat for more info
  5. i want any for add in me serv
  6. with damage classic, auto potions, skills count. add skype (eltonkingstar)
  7. send me link interface? ty
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