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Everything posted by Ceereek

  1. 17
  2. totally agree ^^ but i prefer high rates now cuz i don't have time for lower ^^
  3. Best-looking webstie was for me l2extreme one :( Best-informating website is www.lineage.pmfun.com ;)
  4. I would play aion if my notebook could run it xD
  5. Ceereek

    ANIME !!

    Dragon ball and naruto rox :D U should rly try it if u didn't do it yet ;)
  6. however you do, the chance is same xD (ofc if u don't use bug) 33% in mage wpn 66% in warrior wpn
  7. 2700!
  8. There's also a possibility that the server you play is blocking dualbox. Did u try to run 2 windows with l2w?
  9. Press check files or download whole client again, cuz i don't think that some1 will be so polite to upload it and share with you ^^ Sad but true, this folder is big ;S
  10. I think that u never get 100% chance ^^ just when the diffrence between u and mob isn't more than 5 lvls, u can get a "maximum" spoil rate, but depend on mob, its 80% or 30% and so on
  11. When i have much time to play, i always play "low" rate server (x15 or x1). They are the best, but you rly need much time :/ Many players don't have that much time for them nowadays, so high rate would be rly enjoyable if u balanced it well ;) (check dN arena x200 for example).
  12. Rihanna, Britney, Christina and Jonas Brothers men! j/k xD On siege and mass pvp only music i hear is teamspeak :P In free time i enjoy Arctic Monkeys, The Killers, The Kooks and so on.
  13. can any1 post guide for frintezza quest ? I know that it's four goblets quest, but what after we'll get 4 goblets? And do we really need 5 parties?
  14. 21232 and still not many posts :/
  15. Ukraine ^^? I think...
  16. http://lineage.pmfun.com/npc/29047/scarlet-van-halisha.html
  17. Might be nice, but it's requirements are high :S
  18. Imo the bst one for pvp on selfbuff is sagitarius for mass pvp Sr and for fullbuff pvp pr :D
  19. l2>wow
  20. 2698
  21. Do you mean where can you download it? If yes, here you go: http://www.mininova.org/tor/2176267
  22. Hello everybody ;)
  23. Anyway this is another + for DN ^^ they won't close our servers, cuz Ukraine is out of their laws :D
  24. Didn't they tell that they will close all servers when they closed l2extreme ;)? Like some1 already said, they will close 2-3 servers hoping that other ones will be scared and they will close themselves. Even if they do, its just a game, u shouldn't care so much ;) there are thousands of them
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