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Everything posted by L2TeamVE

  1. Wellcome To L2TeamVe FAST DELIVERY PRE ORDER ADENA-ITEMS GUARANTEED ADENA - WE NEVER SELL OUT OF STOCK! Lineage 2 Official NA BlackBird 1kk = 0.70e Private Server L2Eigis Essense 1L8K = 2e L2 MultiWorld Essense x3 L8K/ADENA Projec Essense S3 Archamage 87 Full Item Good PRICE L8K Unique payment method paypal friend and family /Cuenta Rut/Zelle/Binance Discord DanieL2#5679
  2. here I bring the tests https://prnt.sc/1j26t3f https://prnt.sc/1j272xq https://prnt.sc/1j27ca9 https://prnt.sc/1j27jh2 https://prnt.sc/1j27qj4 https://prnt.sc/1j27y8t https://prnt.sc/1j287jt https://prnt.sc/1j28uy8 https://prnt.sc/1j294q0 https://prnt.sc/1j29cx0 https://prnt.sc/1j29lg0 https://prnt.sc/1j29u8u https://prnt.sc/1j2a2wx https://prnt.sc/1j2abea https://prnt.sc/1j2aj5p https://prnt.sc/1j2aqsx https://prnt.sc/1j2bdf6 https://prnt.sc/1j2bl71 https://prnt.sc/1j2btks https://prnt.sc/1j2c1nt https://prnt.sc/1j2cb8h https://prnt.sc/1j2ckxs https://prnt.sc/1j2db68 at the end of all this he kept the account and the money Make your decisions and see who the scammer is.
  3. Wellcome To L2TeamVe FAST DELIVERY PRE ORDER ADENA-ITEMS GUARANTEED ADENA - WE NEVER SELL OUT OF STOCK! Lineage 2 Official NA BlackBird 1kk = 1.7e/2$ Unique payment method paypal friend and family /Cuenta Rut/Zelle Discord DanieL2#5679
  4. Op
  5. Lest Go
  6. OP
  7. Go
  8. Wellcome To L2TeamVe FAST DELIVERY PRE ORDER ADENA-ITEMS GUARANTEED ADENA - WE NEVER SELL OUT OF STOCK! Char TI Dominator LVL 80 60% +Talismant Baium Char Innadrill Essence Titan LVL 80+Equip-Wep-Jewel ADENA Innadrill Essence = 0.13e Talking Island = 0.15e Unique payment method paypal friend and family /Cuenta Rut/Zelle Discord DanieL2#5679
  9. Wts Or Wtt For Adena Elven Elder LVL 65 vip 0 Only char no have item Male MAIL No have WM 80$ Shillen Elder LVL 67 vip 0 Only char no have item Male MAIL No Have DW/WM 85$ BladeDancer LvL 68 vip 0 Only char no have item Male MAIL No Have Hex 100$ SwordSinger LVL 60 Vip 0 Only char no have item Male MAIL all Skill Learn 70$ Spoil LVL 61 vip 0 2rune 50% exp 7 days Male MAIL 70% Skill learn 100$ Warcryer LVL 59 VIP0 Only char Male Mail Full Amulet 70$ Necromancer LVL 66 VIP 0 Male MAIL No Silence/Anchor 150$ Pw LVL TI LVL 1-40 LVL 1-50 LVL 1-60 skype live:l2teamve
  10. add Skype Live:L2TeamVe
  11. Everyone had suspicions but they did not have proof Thanks for informing us about the class of people and server corrupt.
  12. Hi Sir Ofer me add Skype
  13. Welcome to L2TeamVE We are selling -ADENA-ACCOUNT-ITEM-PwLVL Online server --------------------Talking Island------------------ Service of pwlvl For adena sellers 3 Acc LVL 10 in different server 5$ PWLVL 1-40 without third-party programs (Vip 4 60$) (Vip 1 -2 -3 80$) Second Class Transfer Quest 10$ By order If you need an account Write me Only TI ADENA Low Stock Payment method Only Paypal Online 24/7
  14. they no longer work on the server
  15. Welcome to L2TeamVe Support 24/7 Skype L2Team Ve ONLY PAYPAL Current Server L2Hardline Item Available Set Draconic Set Major Arcana Set Imperial Crusader Draconic Bow Arcana Mace Set A All Set Teteossian +4 /+6 Donation Coin 1Coin = 0.20$ if you buy 100+ you have bonus Scripts adrenaline Ring of Queen ant
  16. Weapom AM/DB/HD/FB Set Draconic/Imperial/DarkCrystal/Tallum/Majestic By order Skype : L2TeamVe
  17. ADENA Good Price 1kk = 0.4e Account PP LVL 60 =8e SPOIL LVL 60=10e Paypal L2 elixir skype :L2TeamVE
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