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Everything posted by Quark

  1. "You know nothing, Jon Snow" I am not a troll, Your post shows that you have no experience, that's why you repeat magic words like "modern tools", "specifing features", "stability" etc. Have You learned C#? Good. Is this only one language you know? "Anyone who has a hammer sees everything as a nail" There have been similar projects before. All abandoned. In .NET, JS, Go.... even in C++ Eg. https://github.com/Elfocrash/L2dotNET You will try to understand the geoengine code and how it should work in the game, you will shit your pants - it requires not only programming skills but also understanding of geometry and geolocation issues. The L2J is a large project, developed by a group of enthusiasts for many years (AFAIK 20 for now), and still bears little resemblance to the original one. There is no point in replacing Java with .NET Belive me. The only thing that can be beneficial is practicing the language. Try to gather beginner C# programmers, maybe someone will want to practice the language? But does it make sense? It is better to practice on a project that may bring income in the future IMHO.
  2. That was the quickest "delete" I've ever seen
  3. He has been banned several times on this forum for the same reasons. Untrustable person.
  4. I belive You. I can't. One screen from my home workstation, second from my server in DE
  5. You can't Download from this site is impossible "504 Gateway Time-out" - means that server www (nginx) can not contact with download application I tried many times, many days, random hours I'm looking for Glory Days and Valliance system folders
  6. And geoengine. And summons. And movement. And.... So far only quests are better from lucera. BTW AI rework (retail alike) is not new - vampir has already done it in his project
  7. Theoretically yes, practically no. You need source code for l2off, developer who know l2j project (java) and can undestrand C++. AFAIK only one person have source code l2off. The amount of work that needs to be done is difficult to estimate. So don't bother with it.
  8. Quick question - Flint with attack effects or static NPC?
  9. This thread just doesn't make sense. One country has invaded another country and is killing people. And here the topic ends. If you want to find out exactly why this happened, there are two publications of well-known analysts in my country, Why this war had to break out, and one indicated exactly 2022 (predict in 2019). One publication is a large book, few hundred pages, entitled "The Third World War is coming", published by analysts from the "Strategy & Future" think-tank - this one presents a view from the point of view of geopolitics (relations between USA, China, Russia, EU). The second is the analysis of a stock exchange specialist. A good specialist. This one presents an analysis from the point of view of the economy. Unfortunately, both are in Polish. I recommend the latter, it is not long, google translator will help you understand https://www.krzysztofwojczal.pl/geopolityka/europa-wschodnia/rosja-europa-wschodnia/do-2022-roku-rosja-wywola-wojne-w-europie-lub-na-bliskim-wschodzie/?fbclid=IwAR3cvnFMNyiTe4er6048zc_Y8jArxI1hZ0guE5eCI9P9bo_0iQwq9XZUfOM
  10. This topic should be deleted.
  11. WTF? Show me ONE who can create amazig NPC from scratch - meshes, animations, sophisiticated textures - eg. Anakim Show me ONE with skill compared to guy(s) from NCS who modeled and animated female dwarf or female kamael. What about sounds music? Show me ONE with talent compared (ok, can be 10%) to Billy Brown. With almost free licensed UE4 we got nice tools, we can make easy legally client part, but where skilled modelers? And last part, mentioned alredy by Tryskell - working within team. Originally l2j is dead due bad management. Ok, bad managers. I hate to say it: FORGET But I like your post and idea - I'm a daydreamer too.
  12. Wow, hidden content ;p
  13. Just popped!
  14. Send me too. Who thinks that? Illuminati? Don't be silly, Illuminatis do not exist. But Reptilians YES Guys, why so serious?
  15. Is'nt this "sahar server" custom thing, something like side vs side with closed areas, mobs have no drop and etc...? Or I'm wrong?
  16. I have 2 questions: 1. How many players hold your server? How long was online? Rates? 2. How long did you play on the retail?
  17. Touché! And good luck with l2dotnet. Project is alive, do the geodata engine, it will be good start point to attract more devs (I hope)
  18. Where? Opensource? Public repo? :)
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