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About zavior

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  1. who is the profesional here? you? xD xD sad storka
  2. you pay for this shit? this files are from l2tales team and just someone shared it and its outdate since 2k13 you can find it this files free with source
  3. only from this photo i understand what files you use so bye
  4. kadar still admin in hopzone but he is corrupted he think only the money he make deal with alexandru niculescu (mouse) and every time hes server is top1 and he delete votes from other servers ofcource kadar is gm in mouse servers so...
  5. lucera is the best source, they have some bugs like all java files but you can fix it if you are good in your job .With simple wards its ok pack for server
  6. ok just delete this man from the world he is retard
  7. idont say you can get the codes with decompiler i say if you are skilled you can get full source code
  8. vampir he comes in my wards vampir i am wrong with this i say? i trust only you because you are the only 1 skilled in this forum
  9. what? xd and now you are l2j developer? ok i dont want to speak with you just delete this guy from l2jdeveloper IF YOU ARE SKILLED you will have 100% source codes
  10. ofcource is not something hard only stupid ppl pays for sources in 2017 - 2018
  11. you can make the source like 1-2 days max if you are skilled so you are not kill youir life justa you dont spend 1k euro for 2 days work
  12. if you are skilled you are not need the source you can make it alone if you havbe thew compile pack
  13. same like all h5 servers l2tales pack with changes in htmls ...
  14. i have conversasion that you say your antibot is shit like a bitch and you say it from your real skype ;)
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