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  1. hmm, when u delete those files it goes for 32 and 64 bit. Thing is i never tried to run the AuthD.exe after deleting only lin2comm.dsn it worked now, thanks :D
  2. Hi, So, as suggested by other members of the forum, i downloaded a c4 pack file in order to learn how to set up a l2off server. (from jamba) Everything went ok UNTIL the moment i needed to put some info when executing AuthD.exe it asked me to put the db, login and pwd thing is, as it was written "comm" i just adjusted it to "lin2comm" and hit OK. When i should've put "lin2db". Now it keeps returning an error finding the database (of course). The problem is that i can't find a way to fix this. I already deleted all my files, my databases, my dns files (ODBC), i really tried to do everything from the beggining, but it didn't work. I just want to reset it so i can put the right db path (lin2db). Obviously, the reset button doesn't work.
  3. that's true, never thought it that way hahaha gonna try it! thx
  4. yeah i kinda figured it out the hard way hahaha thought java would be way easier but honestly its been hard as much as working on l2off But the main problem is still what i just said before: cost! There's no opensource interlude off extender right? I wanted to see how it would be to work on it so i can decide which way to go: java or off by my personal experience on working on them, without spending my money before that. It doesn't need to be an updated/modern version of the best extender, i just wanted something i can use to start a server (a local server, not to public) and see how it is to work on. Do you know something about it
  5. I appreciate that man. But i didn't really get it if ur talking about l2j or l2off dev community xD i really dont want others to do my stuff for me, my intention is to learn how to do everything myself.
  6. Well, i wouldn't pay for any developer also. My intention is to learn and to do all the work myself, the thing is that i wanted to learn BEFORE i spend money on files, but basically everything you find on internet about l2off is old stuff with broken links. There's plenty more information about L2J and that's why im giving it a shot right now, also i hear that it is more customizable, which is the best for me, cause i want to add some good stuff that interlude doesn't have by standards, like 3 job skill enchant for example. Atm im working on it, got the files from aCis and im trying to learn how to manage this, but not gonna lie, i'm having a hard time with this too, this compile/decompile shit is making me lose it xD So basically, im trying L2J because you can't find the necessary information to work on L2OFF without spendind money. Cause everyone who knows about it, is either banned at the forum and the links given are all broken, or is attempting to sell that information/support.
  7. Maybe because (as you said it yourself at another topic) you have excellent programming skills and are fluent in the programming languages needed. i couldn't even make it to start the server xD
  8. I think everything is possible. If you think about it, l2j is just an emulated version of the original game. You just need to program it to do what you want, so, what you need is the knowledge to do it. Some time ago, a dude edited the l2 interlude client interface files to be more like the modern versions. You have the "autoarrange" inventory button, possibility to expand to 4 skill bars and some other stuff. Its not even needed to edit the server files, you just have to put it at your client files. Maybe what you want is something pretty close to that, but i bet it will be pretty hard to programm it to do that. Try finding those codes at the interface files of the l2 gracia final client for example, and copy it to your interlude client interface files. With the changes needed of course. (those files are encrypted, so you will need to have a program to break that and encrypt again after you do your changes). Let me know if u do it (:
  9. Hi, First of all, i'm new to programming. My knowledge about it is basically using else, if, elif/else if that i learned at college using python. So, i know nothing about java. Even i'm googling it like hell, it's too hard to me to just write the code i want at this moment, so i would like to request the help of anyone who have time to answer this. Here it is: I'm trying to program it so players can enchant 3 job summons (Feline King, Magnus the Unicorn and Spectral Lord). So, my idea is to write at the L2EnchantSkillData.java/class file for it to get the SkillType and the SkillBaseLevel before getting the enchant conditions at enchant_skill_tree.xml With this, when it recognizes thats a Summon Skill Type and its base level is 1 (by an "If" command), it would get the informations (getExp, getSp, getItemId getItemIdCount, getRate) that i chose for that kind of skills. If not, then comes the "else" command, and the script would continue the same... Something like that: If L2SkillType (getSkillType()) == SUMMON && baselvl == 1 getexp = x, getsp = y, getItemId = z,... Else, (the rest of the original script) But the only thing i managed to do is to write it to import the L2SkillType file It is like this: package net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.templates.skills.L2SkillType; public final class L2EnchantSkillData { private final int _costExp; private final int _costSp; private final int _itemId; private final int _itemCount; private final int _rate76; private final int _rate77; private final int _rate78; public L2EnchantSkillData(int costExp, int costSp, int itemId, int itemCount, int rate76, int rate77, int rate78) { _costExp = costExp; _costSp = costSp; _itemId = itemId; _itemCount = itemCount; _rate76 = rate76; _rate77 = rate77; _rate78 = rate78; } put it to check the conditions (SkillType+baselvl) here, If yes, insert the data. Else: (the script goes on) /** * @return Returns the costExp. */ public int getCostExp() { return _costExp; } /** * @return Returns the costSp. */ public int getCostSp() { return _costSp; } and goes on...
  10. Sorry, you lost me now... You said it was wise to move to l2j but l2off wouldn't fail me? I'm not sure if it is worth to move to l2off now. Prices for good files are much high and i'm not a programmer, know basically nothing about it. Too risky to pay so much for something i'm not sure i can catch up without having to spend more money.
  11. Dude, thank you for this! It's an amazing initiative! I'd like to help but i'm no good programmer so... good luck haha
  12. Thank you guys for the help! Thing is that those files were on trial period, so i couldn't exactly ask for their help cause i didn't really pay for it xD Turns out i moved to l2j. There's too much lack of information about how to run l2off. Also ppl say l2j is more customizable and that's what i want.
  13. got it! Thanks!
  14. Hi, I've been wondering. Can i create a L2J server with good DDoS Protection and that suports more than 5000 players online? If so, why do people prefer l2off?
  15. Hi, Yeah, i'm having a hard time trying to make my server go online. After solving the hAuthD error, i launched the cached (Cached_Advext64.exe). That's the screen it gets me (don't know if it should be that): https://1drv.ms/i/s!ArnSojZ0gTEkqV5shHrVU7AD0PIX So, i executed the L2Server_Advext64.exe file. Afther a while, my cached log look like this: https://1drv.ms/i/s!ArnSojZ0gTEkqV_pTIjWxq7nM0XB What's wrong? Plus: anyone knows a tutorial on how to make a system folder so i can connect to my server?
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