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PingoPongo last won the day on December 21 2019

PingoPongo had the most liked content!

1 Follower

About PingoPongo

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  1. Service is not available anymore.
  2. New Option: I can help you to exchange money between different payment systems [EU -> RU]. For example: PayPal -> QIWI / WebMoney / Yandex Money etc.
  3. Hello guys. This topic is my personal ads company. What can I offer: 1. Translate any features from English to Russian, from Russian to English. 2. Add the server to Russian announce sites & forums. 3. Advertise your server in popular Russian VK group. 4. Imitate forum activity - messages from fake players. 5. Advertise on Twitch - Broadcast video from your project on twitch 24/7. 6. Increase votes on hopzone.net / top.l2jbrasil.com / top100arena.com / l2servers.com / mmtop200.com / l2top.co / l2network.eu. 7. Advertise Package: Russian TOP announce sites, VK spam, fake messages on the forum, votes on EU tops. New Option: I can help you to exchange money between different payment systems [EU -> RU]. For example: PayPal -> QIWI / WebMoney / Yandex Money etc. Contacts: 1) Here on forum via pm 2) Skype: iPingoPongo Best Regards, Pingo First post updated 13.01.2021
  4. He said: l2jfrozen
  5. In our time, both are not cars, it's marketing trash. If you want to get a good car, without problems with engine and transmition, take a look in French or Chinese devices.
  6. Hello! How he can be sure about the info on this site? Players may give bad feedback (for example boters or RMT traders who got banned may share fake and bad info), how you will check it? How we can be sure this site owner is not paid by any server's owner for possitive feedback? If everybody will be free to share his own opinion about any project, so.... what's the point of this site? It's just another MxC. Anyway it's a good idea, but I guess nobody will trust another top list, since it's 2020 and we know too many sad storys about corruption in l2 and near l2.
  7. Hello, What is your difference from the others?
  8. It's fake. You stuck your own connection, nothing more.
  9. If somebody worked with ANY project as an advertiser, this doesn't mean he involed in "black things". Before you name anybody "bad guy" you should be 100% sure, otherwise you are word-wanker.
  10. Hello! Looking for a guy who can increase votes in such sites as: gamesites100.net / gtop100.com / extremegs.com / topservers200.com and so on.
  11. Random email, Joined Dec-2017, 1 Warpoint, all of this don't make you trusted.
  12. If this forum is full of "haters" and "kids" what are you doing here ?
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