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About Napster321ॐ

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  1. lel xd niaou niaou. ELAFRIS SAN TON AERA
  2. les ola auta kai googlarw tin malakia pou egrapses kai vriskw auto e agamisou.
  3. μεχρι εκει διαβασα δεν μπηκα καν στον κοπο να συνεχισω, αντικοινωνικος : ΚΑΙ ΜΕ ΜΕΓΑΛΗ ΜΟΥ ΧΑΡΑ ΚΑΙ ΑΠΟ ΔΙΚΙΑ ΜΟΥ ΑΠΟΦΑΣΗ ΝΑ ΑΠΟΦΕΥΓΩ ΤΕΝΕΚΕΔΕΣ ΣΑΝ ΚΑΙ ΤΟΥ ΛΟΓΟΥ ΣΟΥ. μπαφιαρης : ΟΠΩΣ ΕΙΧΕ ΠΕΙ ΚΑΙ Ο ΤΑΚΗΣ ΣΤΑ ΧΡΥΣΑ ΧΡΟΝΙΑ ΤΟΥ "ΔΕΝ ΕΙΝΑΙ ΚΑΚΟ" με φωτακια και led στο pc: ta led xaraktirizoun ton an8ropo? kai as poume oti to kanoun EISAI TOSO ILI8IOS POU TA LED POU EXEIS DEI MEXRI TWRA EINAI KAKA APO APOPSI AIS8ITIKIS. kai oxi mwri aderfara den exw led.
  4. You just gained my respect. Going from a player to a GM. Is not just the accesslevel, it has to do with your will to be a good gm or a gm who wanna make his player good.
  5. -deleted some gremlins and NPC's from starting zone in order to avoid possible lag. DEM CHANGELOGS!
  6. It seems amazing to me
  7. skype: drake2wow
  8. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/198235-a-e-p-v-p-engine/
  9. if you tried to deal with him then you have to be reported as a scammer since you dont own and you haven't "good & modified" interlude files. So you tried to scam him with lies.
  10. overextend a shitty joke.
  11. i can sell u tommorow with 74256358.8 since it's black friday -60%
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