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Everything posted by AndreiD

  1. What do you mean by "best protection"? As far as i searched and looked Hyperfilter is the top and they can't putted down so easy. I think that this need of "not farming almost at all" came from the insecurity that the last servers gave them so they stopped having any expectations. I think that can be changed, not easy, but at least show that it can be also different. In the time that i've played lineage2 the most long relationships we bounded with others were not only in PvP, but also when we were grinding together for hours and we were talking on any subject ( ventrilo on that period of time ).
  2. I think that this also depends a lot on the available servers that were on the market. And because only greedy servers, that's what players played. I think this can be changed. A big "boost" for us was PlayInEra server because they tried something different and they had success. Time will answer this question Regarding the DDoS i think HyperFilter is the best available protected server and it can defend us against it. Also i've heard that neither OVH can be taken down, but it can get very laggy and unplayable and as far as i know hyperfilter is 'next-level' so i hope/belive it will be ok. Regarding 'paying other clans' this strategy can work on short-term and if we bring quality/improvements and making a good community, we can pass this and restore a balance in this monopoly that they've created. But as i said to Eagle_Eye time will tell.
  3. Hello guys, Yes, we are back! After few years we decide to come back. It’s the same team Lex and Tzu. For the guys that are new in Lineage 2 Community we had succesfull projects L2Pharos our 3rd server after L2Stars.com (~8 years ago, not .EU ) And L2Evolution.com. The ‘old guys’ can confirm that those servers were successfully ones without this `greedy-coruption-servers` etiquette that were killed by DDoS because we were competition. Also one of our biggest success was L2Silver which i think it doesn't need any presentation Let’s present us a bit: Lex – the guy who talk to the players all days and comes with ideas and improvements for server to make it a long-term server. Always thinking of new content/events/possibilities to make the server enjoyable. Tzu – the guy who don’t talk so much to players ( not really good at socializing like Lex), but who is the back of the server and take care of implementing Lex ideas. A little bit obsessed to check all the time if all is performant. Currently being Software Developer for 3 years ( sadly in C#, but it’s not such a big difference) Now how we decided to come back: In all this time ( 5 years ) by keep talking and last year we meet in a city and had few beers talking about that great times when we were having server and working on the server, and when one of us was distracted by something else, the other one would call him 24/7 to work on server ), after that we decided to watch L2Scene to see what’s happening, we saw that it’s in a more bad way that when we left, but the players community increased. After that, in 5 months, Lex arrived at my house (Tzu) and in a night we decided to come back and make it great again. A few thanks for the guys from: L2PlayInEra they started to change a bit the community and they had a nice success and I respect them. So in last 4 months we took informations, regarding all problems, what players want, we tested few servers and I think we understood what is wanted and put some time to start working on the idea. What we saw that was missing very much: a place where players can be a community without being forced all the time to move from one server to another and choosing not a good server, but the server that is not the worst. And that's what we try to accomplish. To make Private Servers community a little bit better. We want to see more good servers. We are still working on the server side, but the website is in BETA-Phase and we already have a forum: www.l2pharos.com – Website www.l2pharos.com/forum - Community Forum We’ve also added some features of the server and we will still add on the list more informations. We understand that is far from perfect, that’s why we delay the opening, even thought I think we will make it not even close to near perfect, with your help, we will! We ask you to give us any advises, or any suggestions that you may have As we you may have guessed we made a mid rate with the next features: Rates: Experience(XP): 30x Skill Points(SP): 30x Adena: 15x Drop: 15x Spoil: 15x Raidboss: 4x Grandboss: 1x(1 jewel per epic) Quest Drop: 3x Quest Reward: 2x Manor: 3x Weight Limit: 10x Enchants: Safe enchant: +4 Max Enchant: +15 Normal Scroll chance: 55% Blessed Scroll chance: 60% Elemental Stone Chance: 50% Elemental Crystal Chance: 40% Basic Features: Buff time: 2h Buff slots: 24 Dance/Songs slots: 12 Trigger slots: 12 Max clients per PC: 3 Subclass Max Level: 85 Protection(SGuard + Report system: enabled Geodata: enabled Subclass Quest: disabled Class Master: enabled AutoLoot: enabled AutoLoot Raidboss: disabled Offline shops: enabled Offline buffers: enabled Different Community Board: enabled Auction system: enabled Private messages history: enabled Droplist search: enabled Away system: enabled So far we do not have any Beta Date/ Opening date but we have an interval between 1 and 3 months.
  4. Hello Sam, Any ETA when you will release the next version ?
  5. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=Exception+in+thread+"main"+java.net.BindException%3A+Cannot+assign+requested+address%3A+JVM_Bind maybe you opened the server 2 times and the port is already used so try to change the port. Second maybe you are under a router and you've put your external IP. There you should put your internal ip ( 192.168.X.X ) and then port forward from router settings. But those things you could've find just by copy and pasting the error message on google.
  6. I was not talking about that Alex ( aka Mouse ). I was talking about Alex which i had some projects which maybe they were not the best but there weren't any corruptions discussions because we did not had such thing: L2Evolution, L2Pharos, L2Stars
  7. The only thing that i do not understand is why you copied the name. I know you already open few servers since few years ago, but the original L2Stars was on start of Mid rate servers, after l2-ah.net. The server was owned by me and Alex and that server really had good reviews, and not a single fight regarding corruption and things like these. It's a shame that now l2stars is associated to coruption/donations/greedy server. I am sure old players knows what i am talking about and also you, the owner of it.
  8. Hello Sam, I would gladly help you in testing the application and also as a contributor since i have some experience with C# ( 2 years and half ) My username is AndreiD on your forum.
  9. Thank you Akar0 for your fast response. I have tried to do this, but is doing the same thing. I am out of ideas. Do you have any other hint?
  10. Hello, I tried to run locally on my computer and it works perfectly, but i have a problem when trying to set it on another machine. Login server works perfectly. Gameserver show "Light", but when i select it i get "You have been disconected...." GameserverHostname = * ExternalHostname = myexternalIP ( i am NOT behind any router ) InternalHostname = Do you guys have any clue?
  11. Hello guys(and girls) I wonder what are the differences between Smartguard and SGuard? Advantages/Disadvantages?
  12. They were at my house, i think you know who i am talking about when i say "they"
  13. Sincerely, I do not care if you believe me or not. It's not my objective to make someone believe me, the only reason i write those things is because I keep seeing this posts about Stalone being a saint or something like this ( and believe me or not is just a small part of the stories regarding Mid Rate servers and what's happening there ). Please ask Stalone regarding his Porsche 911 that costed about ~25.000 Euro if i remember right, and again with this things i scratch only the surface. I just want to be sure that people are reading different opinions and make their own decision when judging someone. Not really, i mean yes it was also Jakk but that was at the end of my carrier regarding L2Server. When i talk about vote script that was way back, i think 4-5 years. I really do not know, but Jakk appeared way later and the only difference that was with Jakk was that he was the public person that took all of the hate for DDoS, but in private when i was talking with Stalone, he was the head behind this. And also Achylek i am not sure if you know the story behind the origin of files that Era/Tales and how they obtained this files. I will not say the story, because it's something that it's not ok how it happened, but i am sure if you ask you can understand that something is stinky. Don't worry private servers owners, thats all stories i will tell, i do not intend to attack any of you, but i just wanted to stop all those things Stalone is great, Mouse is bad. Sorin is whatever and whatever stories. They all wanted the same thing in the end, money. And i can admit it that i had the first motivation for doing server, but i always had Alex ( the owner of l2AH 5-6 years ago) which maintained me on a good way and we did not have such big success ( because of DDoS) but at least if I say my servers i won't be attacked with things like "donation server". The only time i gave epics and +6 items ( but not something bigger then that) was when i bought protection from dragonara.net and the price for protection was 1000$ and i had also the costs of the dedicated server about ~ 80 Euro from Hetzner. @Achylek i appreciate that you don't started trolling instantly when you replied.
  14. Yes, it's a good guy?! What about the time ( 2-3 years ago or even more) when i opened a server and because the server was protected for DDoS, but the website wasn't he put the website down with 2 hours before start? And that's not all, he made pressure on me to give access to paypal and if i give him 20-25% ( do not remember exactly how much) of the donations he will stop DDoSing me. Oh and also, he wanted to tell me what donations to have and also of course to give some chars full items and GM access to his account. That's the good guy Stalone? I won't talk about Mouse because he is the same type of guy but at least he didn't come to me blackmail me because we are neighbors and we know each other before having servers when he was playing L2AH owned by the other member of my projects Alex L ( NOT Mouse because he is also called Alex ). Stalone, I think if you remember i was the first guy in L2 Private Servers that written the script for Votes, which i gave to Mouse for free and then he sold you for 1000$ and the promise that you don't DDoS his server and instead you DDoSed and closed my server? Or you remember when i called your personal home number and your mother answered the phone and then you called back scared to stop calling this number and you were raging and promised that you never give DDoS again? The only thing you did you stop bragging about DDoS and I couldn't prove anything and the costs to go to Europol and report you were very big because i would have to go personally in France and made a big file for you. There are more stories regarding this L2 Mid Rate guys including me, mouse, stalone, sorin, the only thing that me and alex( NOT mouse) was that we were fair play all the time and we considered that the quality of server should make the players chose, not "killing" other server with DDoS so the players won't have where to choose.
  15. Hello guys, After watching a tutorial on Pluralsight regarding GIT i had understand better the power of GIT and i will try to make a small tutorial that can help you setting the environment for starting to develop. So i will start, i will explain shortly what i try to achieve: [intro] You want to start developing on L2JServer but you also want to have your own remote GIT server ( i am not sure it's write, please feel free to correct/edit my post), so you want to clone the sources then to upload it on your own GIT server ( GitHub, Bitbucket etc), but after that you also want to see what new things appear on L2JServer so you can keep your server updated with the last changes. Also i will use IntelliJ for few commands Now that i explained what i want to do let's start: [step by step] 1) Open IntelliJ 2) File -> New -> Project from Version Control -> GIT 3) At git repository URL set: https://bitbucket.org/l2jserver/l2j_server.git 4) Remove L2J origin with this command in Terminal window ( If you do not have terminal window you can find it at View -> Tool Windows -> Terminal ) git remote rm origin . 5) Now i assume you have an online GIT server when you want to push it. let's add your git project to this git remote add origin https://YourUserName@bitbucket.org/Your ... arngit.git 6) Now check with git remote -v to see if it was added. 7) Use git branch to see what branch you use now 8 ) After you saw your branch there let's push it in your repository by using this command: git push -u origin develop --force 9) Add l2jserver upstream by using this command: git remote add upstream https://bitbucket.org/l2jserver/l2j_server.git 10) Check it was added: git remote -v 11) Fetch the upstream: git fetch upstream . It will outputA there all branches. 12) Do a small change in a file. I did in README.md then git add README.md git commit -m " A small commit " git push origin So you made a change and submited to your GIT. 13) Let's see the differences between your branch and l2jserver branch IntelliJ: VCS -> GIT -> Branches Then upstream/develop -> Compare. There you will see 2 lists: one of them empty ( diff between upstream/develop and develop ) and one with a change (between develop and upstream/develop). The change is exactly your change. In the one that is now empty you will see all the times differences of what's have been added in L2jServer and you do not have. I hope this will help and i am sorry if I have few mistakes here. Feel free to ask me if you have any questions. I will take a second look later on what i write to try to improve it.
  16. I really looked at your pack and it really made me confident, but then i saw this line, which showed me that you write things just to be there, to have a bigger list or you just do not know what you write. I mean like really, what's the difference on performance? That maybe, and remember i say maybe it loads the server with 5-10 seconds faster? What's the actual gain that your restart is a little bit more fast? I assume that all your static data you put it in some variables where you keep them so it's only one time loaded. if you think to say that is loaded everytime is needed, then you might think why after you change a skill you need to //reload skill. Let's try to be more profi here please, You are selling a pack for 1000 euro which are a lot of money. If you want to make something nice transform from a list of skill classes( Java class) to a list of skill structures and then yes you can see a big improvement( because structs are value type, objects are reference and values are one near another in the memory bla bla)... Please be professional if you sell something so expansive!
  17. I have some experience with DDoS, by saying experience i mean getting attacked 24/7. What do you mean by best DDoS protection? I may understand two things - getting some delays in game for few minutes until the attack is mitigated - not feeling anything when the server is under DDoS The same question goes for OVH too: What do you mean by not 2 strong? - getting some delays in game for few minutes until the attack is mitigated - getting unresponsive and people getting disconect without being able to connect again or having an unplayable delay/lag? Thanks for the response you guys gave me until now, but i want to research the market before taking any decisions, because i may have a lot of attacks if i try to open a potential/different good server ( ofcourse from my own opinion) it can also be a failure.
  18. I understand the prices and there are differences between them. But if you know, can you tell me advantages/disadvantages regarding hyperfilter/ovh. At this range of price i do not find hyperfilter expensive, but about 5 years ago i know they weren't so DDoS-bullet-proof, and i remember that OVH could handle better, but ofc a lot of things changed in the meantime. Please let me know your opinion and your experience with both providers.
  19. Hello guys, For a server that is targeting Europe players which hosting would be ok ? My needs are: Scalable hardware like more rams if needed, more bandwith if needed etc DDoS protection that can handle big attacks. Also i am looking for a host for the website with ddos protection. What do you guys think about OVH ? Are they reliable? Also i saw that now hetzner also have ddos protection. Do you know anything about them? Please let me know if there are some other serious companies that offers dedicated server + insurance that they won't get down from DDoS ( ofc i expect some delays when DDoS is happening because it needs to be filtered. Regards, Andrei
  20. Hello guys, From my point of view the guys that are spamming and throwing shit are "idiots". Why do I say that? Let's assume that he did not wrote one line of code by himself and all that he did was leeching/copy-paste whatever. Ok, that's good. I am a person who works 8h/day for almost 3-4 years( Software Programming ), so i assume i am better then him at coding/leeching whatever. The pack with source cost 150$. I make that money in 1~2 days. So, why not to choose his pack and started working on that where i know that he have some customers so probabbly the real problems bugs ( exploits/dupe) are fixed and i will not have this problem. So till now with 150$ in 2 days i would need to take all forums to take all code and put it in my pack adapting it/ testing it/ reviewing it. I am sorry but i do not want to loose so much time. I want to have all the existing things in my pack and start developing from there. And guess what in those 150$ he offers support for bugs, excellent for me, even if i fix the bug faster, i prefer to invest my time in something else, so i prefer to outsource this part of leeching/support for existing features. Why to loose hours without having an idea from where to start and start to debug it to find a problem instead of delegating to them for what ? for 150 euro. that's very cheap. For 150 euro i do not know if i could support this passive-agressive behaviour you guys have. Want to do the same thing? Then do it, and be better then their pack. I was out of this zone Lineage 2 Private servers for almost 2-3 years, but i was thinking that you guys grew up, but there are still some 'haters' that just throws shit on anything. NeverMore i am waiting to talk with you on skype, i have already added you. Have a nice day, Andrei
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