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Everything posted by dropman

  1. y kalos server fenete mpika ligo sto beta exei poli bugg ala ta ftiaxnoun arketa grigora.. mas viasan me ta capital controls oute i paypal de litourgi pleon gia kapio logo pou na mpis official :((((((((
  2. when will it openn timer is down and i cannot download the patch :(
  3. there will be 1 day beta or smth ? i want to get a peak of the server : 3 to make my friend play
  4. so sad :(((((((( i wanted to play so damn hard ... all low rates are hi5 crap those days . and interludes are empty. damn it .
  5. this is a server that deserve a check from everyone. ! holidays is coming too ! its now or neverr :D
  6. guys i have another problem , everything is working fine except from mana potions... it doesnt use mana potions any suggestions?
  7. it was my dream from c5 :'( for them to open a c1-c3 server : ) it coming truee yay
  8. ohoho this seems promising cannot wait !! :>
  9. this server is very good i play there a few buggs but gms/admins are active and fix them :) and the community growing every day i hope to see you in game everyone ;) come and play
  10. hmm it seems good , post the site if you have one :)
  11. sws/bd are valuable ? then do not alow players to have 10 + boxes on theyr pc O.o i rememper old thegame 1 pc with bd/sws/pp/wc/cat :) 50 players online 400 box O.o make it max dualbox or triple box and then bd and sws will be valuable :)
  12. yea if they didn't made this new project of l2 god they could made an mega update for aion and add more places ++ :o l2 don't have more than 100 quests :D . you bore easy !
  13. haha ti legane gia to freya kai epilogue oli ? po sapia 8a ginoun xazomares ola moufes . oli pezoun omos .. e to goddes of destruction pistevo pos 8axi tous fun tou l2 p de to stamatane oti kai na lene + polousss ma polous pitsirikades p 8a tous porosoun ta graphic. apo dikiamou apopsi omos ! to gameplay mou fanikie poli oreo kai pistevo i idea pos olaa katastrefonte kai alazoun mm poli kalo story ;) kai mi sas fenete parakseno pou alaksan 4 clinte toso grigora se 1 xrono peripou . to kanan gia na proxorisoun to story kai na gini afto to uptate :)
  14. anyway this server isn't fake im old player there . the stuff have some old gms and some new. the server is fully working balanced . give it a change if you don't like it then speak if you don't try it then shut it.
  15. pia 10 xrona exo di kai 5-7 xrona p ta pernoun i gonis tous sta net gia na kanoun kati doulies kai ekina lionoun lineage2 ! XD
  16. GTH you rock man i played once in beta 1 year ago and now it have 1-2 bugg from 200 - 300 :D i think the server will gonna be awesome GL i play already and guys ill meet ya in game for pvp ! feeders ! :D
  17. po thanks re si kai gia tin analitikotita sou ala akai gia to link gia download l2 net dioti opou epsaxna akoma kai google m evgaze dead links omg :0 ty !
  18. well the server is very good ;) nice work guys if you need the impossible you just do it with hard work ! :) ill tell to everyone about this server ;) 100% balanced :) i see forward for more !
  19. Hello Dear players, l2hell-town have just opened at (17/02/2010) (cronical 6 interlude L2J) the site is www.l2hell-town.do.am & Server Info Xp = 50x Sp = 2x PartyXp =300x PartySp =75x DropAdena = 1x DropItems = 10x DropSpoil = 10x Enchant rates: Safe Enchant: 3 Max Enchant Weapon: +16 Max Enchant Armor: +16 Max Enchant Jewel: +16 Enchant Normal: 66% Enchant Blessed: 70% Epic features adena zone low zone medium zone hard zone you can farm for epic armors and epic weapons well the epic armmor & weapons have 100% balance ;) Gms/Admins active 1-10h every day ;) we w8 for your support come and have fun!
  20. Gia sas kaname 1 server edw i parea to ftiaksame moni mas sthlame se database sthn germania ola normal runing ola ola perasame kai 1 hacker mpikie sto pc mas ... kai mas na to po kseka8ara mas gamai ton server .. 8a voi8ouse an legate kapia lisi kseroumai apo programata xirismous ktlp an kserete kapio programa protector gia tetio 8ema as m to postarete 8ane megalo help efxaristo giasas .. Y.P: to provlima mou htan tetio p den eiksera p na to postaro an to postara se la8os section pite m na to anevaso sto sosto thx
  21. what the i love it i bid 1 bilion this is the new packs who rock the new year l2divinity l2world packs if it like this there will be 2k ppl for sure in 1-2 weeks game play ;) ill play for sure :)
  22. i don;t see anything in the psot :D
  23. nice work man ... GR : oreos file sinexiste ti kali doulia oste se 4-6 mhnes i kai ligotero analoga me to koposas na doumai ena pexnidi me ligosta bugg :P na xaroumai to game
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