aion is sucky they scam 50% files from terar onnline who will open december you will see terar who will open will have 50% npc areas mobs like aion .. wtf thief aion gms :)
one of the best servers is the mafia ??? 90 % is 10 years old guys who tell theyr mommy mommy give me 50 $ ? plzz i need + 100 dad give me 200 $ i won;t to buy gameboy lies they make donate admin skills noobish server !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! go play pacman
:P i know somthing 2 for get castel easy !! delete 2 files from system so npc didn;t see you and you didn;t see the npc 2 go too make the profecy you can see it why it is not npc but it like the gates ! you can see it ;) :PPP
Vrika ena server pou exi lampro melon :) ama 8elete na to pistepsete mpite o gm moudose ola ta epic item se ka8e diaforetiko char oli i chars einai isi me ta idia item
ala o pio empiros 8a nikai :OO