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Everything posted by Authority

  1. Website : http://www.l2ecliptic.com/ Community : http://forum.l2ecliptic.com/ Facebook Fan Page : https://www.facebook.com/l2ecliptic/ Live: 4 March 2017 - 20:00 GMT+2 - Ecliptic (100x) Server: - Interlude (C6) - XP: 100x - SP: 100x - Spoil: 15x - ADENA: 200x -100% Retail. -Auto-learned. -Skill modifications made for game play improvement: >Touch of life and Restore life are party-only so that players don't heal raids. >Buffs are party-only to prevent griefing -Skill validation system to prevent skill stacking -Max Transfer Pain distance is 1500 to prevent players from hiding their summons and going across the map. -Weekly Olympiad - 4 hours per day -Minimum of 5 players required -Limited to S-Grade only max +6. -Non-class based to prevent class-based botting. -Must kill bosses for subclass and farm lunargents and hellfire oil -Must do the full noblesse quest. -Full interlude clan system enabled up to level 8 with all sub units and clan skills -Alliances limited to 3 clans per alliance -No clan kick/leave penalties, players can leave and join clans without having to wait x amount of time. -Castle sieges are every weekend. Server will start with two sieges and open more castles as the population grows. - Will be 3 zones totally new on interlude platform where you will farm and spoil materials. -Offline Shops -No party XP level limit -PvP Reward system -24 Buff slot -NPC Buffers in giran -Buffs from AIOs and NPCs last 1 hour. -NPCs in giran for all your item/consumable/weapon/armor needs. -Increased weight limit on all characters -No death penalty -.expon/.expoff command to enable or disable experience gain -Trade radius to prevent players from creating shops on other players or npcs -Augmentation system enabled -Herb system DISABLED -Retail rates -Weapon safe enchant +3, max enchant +16 -Weapon Regular scroll safe +3 -Armor/Jewel safe enchant +3 (+4 on onepiece), max enchant +8 -Armor/Jewel scroll safe +3 - 45% Fighters 50% Mages -Dual Special Ability weapons drops from bosses and also added in shop. -Ecliptic Armor drops from bosses and custom craft. -Ecliptic jewlers drops from grand bosses.
  2. I know is not a prob I ask because I was thinking they just delete posts to me also I dont care just to ask because maybe they think im a Spammer :)
  3. Hello as I see this evening when i log I saw i just have 500 posts lol and i was having 780 and now 500 that mean anyone remove me some posts and I wanna know the reason ..

  5. You'r Welcome be careful
  6. Hello my dudes we are cooming with a new Game prepare your pussy's

  7. Shared Web and shared project = Shit server .. gl
  8. I'ts Wednesday My Dudes

  9. L2 AccessDenied is Cooming Prepare your Self Bitches

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Authority


      huh aVVe so much hate ...

    3. ∽Ave∽


      You wish it was hate ^^

    4. AccessDenied


      aVVe is sending pm in mods to mute me and mods reject him and he cry :(

  10. Prepare your self Im Cooming at March

    1. AccessDenied


      Sins are coming too, brace your self.

  11. the new 2k17 ADM :O jajaja :P
  12. your skype ?
  13. What About a x100 Server By Authority .. hmm

    1. AccessDenied


      Incoming sins in 3...2...1..

  14. Alot Of Spammers Here .. Oh GOD GOD

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