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Everything posted by Authority

  1. Accountant you here Other time :lookslikeidiot: :lookslikeidiot:
  2. We are cooming soon we are cooming :D
  3. This is not special is like all others but with just diferent HTML Desing anyway GL :)
  4. Hello It's me other Time

  5. Lool :D post that on the right part on client help not here
  6. :kappa: :kappa: :jew:
  7. And you told me to no say the same things anyway let it you made my day..
  8. Take OFF for a mid rate server check this : http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/211227-wts-l2-appeal-files-off/ and if you are interested contact with me
  9. :dat: :dat: :dat: Maxtor Fan Detected :dat: :dat: :dat: :dat:
  10. as I see yep is the same 100% like that old tales web lul -.- Maxtor wanna open server with RiP WEB or copy web srsly ..
  11. Dubai Old Times :) it's eazy remake this server but the problem if people will join Freya or not
  12. haha Thx si Soy de Barcelona Saludos.
  13. okay mate all i can say that we will see the 4th of March thx :)
  14. I know that but this guy always flame my server without know the real story anyway i dont wanna discuss more about this and thx.
  15. I told you that because I'm the new admin of that server also some guys told me about this x25 but they failed because low people server was perfect we have alot of feedback's from people who was loving the server :) also idk why you say my server is fail so when I try to log in any server i see you the 1st who play just crappy pvp servers with fails .. anyway let it i dont need discuss more things i have work to do and I we will see at 4 March all Thx and gl.
  16. We Know how to speak with the community but Sir. as you can see he start losing the respect of our server without have a proofs and he didnt stop .. he lie about server like other guys who said server fail 2 times without haven't open it yet so what do you think then Sir.
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